• Virtual Academy and Plan A - Very Important Communication

    Please Read and Respond ASAP

    Ram families,

    As you have likely heard, WCPSS Board of Education voted on Monday evening to move to Plan A for middle and high schools.  This means that students who were on Plan B will now be moved to Plan A.  Plan A students will report to school daily beginning April 8th.  April 7th will now be a teacher workday, not a student day.

    Plan A is designed for all students to safely return to school following safety protocols.  Students will still be required to follow the daily screening protocol, wear masks and maintain social distance

    Students with IEPs and 504s

    I need to remind families who have Rams with IEP or 504 plans that you do not need to complete a request to change if you already have informed us about your Ram’s plan to return or not.  We provided a form to you last week and have been reviewing those requests.  Case managers and counselors have reached out to families from whom we have not gotten information about intent to return in person.

    Students without IEPs or 504s

    When we requested information last week from families of students who have IEPs and 504s, some parents of students who do not have plans completed the form.  If you inadvertently did this last week, please read carefully.  You may need to complete another form is you wish to make a change.

    We previously asked parents to choose Plan B (which will become the group to return on Plan A) or Virtual Academy.  We reorganized schedules to facilitate those who wished to remain virtual all year and those who wished to have an opportunity to return to school if offered.

    We are at yet another transition where we need information from you only if you would like to make a change into or out of Virtual Academy.  If you are satisfied with the decision you made prior to the start of the semester, do nothing.

    If you need to make a change into or out of Virtual Academy

    We also recognize that circumstances change and some families may wish to make a request to move into or out of Virtual Academy. Before you make that request, please understand that:

    1. We do not offer all the same classes on campus and in Virtual Academy.  
    2. If a student requests to change to a different setting (in school or virtual), students may only earn partial credit if we cannot maintain the same courses as part of the switch.
    3. If we move students between settings, teachers and courses may have to change to accommodate the request to change.

    We will review each request to let you know the details regarding the revised schedule.

    The timeline is as follows:

    • April 1st - Deadline for families to request a switch into or out of Virtual Academy
    • April 14th - Deadline for schools to notify families of the schedule change possibilities to make a final commitment to the change. 
    • April 19th - Students who commit to the change will begin classes on the new schedule.

    After reviewing this information you do wish to request a change into or out of Virtual Academy, please complete this form in its entirety and submit as soon as possible (you will need to use your WakeID to complete the form).  Please remember that ALL requests must be completed by Thursday, April 1st.

    Thank you.  If you have any questions, please contact your Ram’s counselor.  That information is included in the form you must complete.

    Have a good day.


    Dhedra Lassiter