Rolesville High School Weekly Updates | September 20, 2017
Late Work Deadline: It is hard to believe that the end of the first nine weeks is almost here. All late work is due by Monday. Teachers must have time to grade and report grades before the nine weeks ends. The official end of the quarter is October 30th.
Teacher Workday: October 31st
Interested in becoming a teacher? Attend ECU’s College of Education Teach Day on Saturday, December 2, 2017. This event will be held on the campus of East Carolina University. You must register. Stop by Student Services to pick up registration information.
Art Show at the Red Gallery: The National Art Honor Society will be having a Halloween Art Show featuring Tedd Anderson at the Red Gallery in Rolesville Town Hall on October 28th from 7pm-9pm. Come out for refreshments, fun, and creepy art! If you plan on attending, feel free to wear all black attire or a halloween costume. Hope to see you there!
Note in the Pocket: Hello, parents. Starting now there will be a new student run operation at RHS. It is called Note in the Pocket and is a organization that donates used clothes and school supplies to children in need throughout Wake County. Parents, when your children begin to outgrow their clothes, collect them in a bag, bring or send them to Rolesville and place them in a collection box when we open the window for collections. There will be further updates as to when the boxes are out ready for donations. For further information, see www.noteinthepocket.org.
Reality of Money: We are excited about the Oct. 30 date for Reality of Money! This date was a special request from senior teachers to help students with financial literacy before being faced with financial "reality". Please use the link below if you are able to help out for a session or two: https://tinyurl.com/SignUpFoRHSRealityOfMoney
FFA Fundraiser: There will be a fundraiser at Tereros on 401 on Halloween night! Also, Tereros is having a Halloween festival/party halloween night. Besides the fundraiser, Tereros is also looking for helpers that night which would be a great volunteer opportunity for students.
Senior Ad Information: Be on the lookout on our RHS homepage for information in the upcoming week regarding senior ads for the yearbook.
Reindeer Day - Nov. 4: The Rolesville HS PTSA has one major fundraiser each year to support the activities that PTSA provides to the students and teachers of Rolesville High school. These activities include: Senior Breakfast which was held in September, Senior Picnic which will be held in May as well as the graduation Baccalaureate service which will be held in June. In addition, the PTSA supports student enrichment activities for the entire school as well as provides tokens of appreciation to teachers (i.e. treats or gift cards during teacher appreciation week to use for their class room). None of these activities would be possible without the funds that are raised during Reindeer Day. This year’s Reindeer Day will be held Nov 4. Please consider signing up to volunteer in one of the 3 hour blocks to help support this event and advertising the event to your network of friends, church’s and affiliated organization.
Link to help sign up: http://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0b44a5ae2fa3fc1-reindeer2
Link to advertisement on facebook https://www.facebook.com/RHSRAMSPTSA/photos/a.797911773567882.1073741828.713868278638899/2518901068135602/?type=3&theater
Link to advertisement on Twitter https://twitter.com/RHS_PTSA/status/916408416641445890
NCWIT Award for Aspirations in Computing (AiC) offers a scholarship which honors women in grades 9 through 12 who are active and interested in computing and technology, and encourages them to pursue their passions. Applications are due on Nov 6th, please see the link for more details: https://www.aspirations.org/participate/high-school
ChickTech: High School is a free yearlong program (transportation is provided if needed) that introduces 100 high school girls to technology. The program kicks off with a 2-day event on Dec 2nd and 3rd at Meredith College and then continues with monthly events around different careers, technologies, and companies. Our program provides a fun, positive learning experience designed to build participants’ confidence in their technical abilities, give them positive role models, create connections with other young women from the RDU area, and create a positive association with technology creation. ChickTech Raleigh-Durham is a nonprofit organization dedicated to retaining women in the technology workforce and increasing the number of high school girls pursuing technology-based careers while creating a culture of inclusion for all. Nominations are open for 9th - 12th grade girls and will be accepted until Oct 20th. For more about ChickTech, check out our website and find more details about our High School program. Nomination form HERE.