
  • HMS Book Fair - Feb. 18-26

  • Yearbook Ordering

  • Aladdin, Jr. Cast List

  • School Tours

  • 24-25 Walker Passes

Patriot Info

  • 2025-2026 Enrollment Information

    Click  HERE to see deadlines for Student Assignment Applications. 

    Rising 2025-26 7th Graders - Immunizations

    North Carolina law now requires Tdap and Meningococcal vaccines for entry into 7th grade. More Info HERE.

    Ahora la ley de Carolina del Norte requiere las vacunas Tdap y Meningococo para entrar al 7mo grado. Más información AQUÍ.

    Student Dress Code

    View the WCPSS Policy.

    New Online School Payments

    Parents, we have a new online platform for payments, called School Cash Online. You will need to create an account and add your children to your account. Instructions for doing this can be found HERE.

    School Progress Report

    Check out our School Progress Report!

    Access Code for PowerParent

    If you are prompted to enter a district code or access code for the PowerParent Portal, that code is KNDW. 

    Social Media

    Consider following us on social media: on Twitter: @HeritageMiddle1, Facebook and Instagram.
