• Welcome to MECME!

    At Millbrook Environmental Connections Magnet Elementary, we cultivate and empower environmentally-minded citizens who will enact meaningful change in the world.

    MECME engages every student through environmental integration, problem-based learning, and Expedition courses, empowering them with skills and experiences to strengthen any community they choose. 

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Environmental Connections


    Millbrook is proud to offer the Environmental Connections magnet theme.  This specialized Environmental Connections program is built on nature-based learning.  It leverages children's innate interest in nature to instill scientific inquiry, critical thinking and problem-solving skills. 

    With daily instruction across all content areas delivered through Millbrook's Big Ideas of Environental Connections, this program offers authentic, hands-on opportunities to investigate and connect with local and global issues outside the school's walls. 

    View our Environmental Connections Information Video to learn how we develop environmentally-minded citizens who will change the world!


Expeditions (Electives)

  • Children exploring outside
    Expeditions are elective courses that are offered daily for 30 minutes K-5. Expeditions are a way for MECME students to connect to Environmental Science with choice in mind. Students are able to go more in depth about a topic that they are already interested in, that has recently piqued their interest, or that is something that they have yet to be exposed to. Through Expeditions we encourage growing minds to think, work and communicate like botanists, geologists, chemists, physicists, entomologists, marine biologists, engineers and much more.

Tour Our School

  • Aerial view of Millbrook

    At Millbrook, we see nature as an open-ended laboratory that beckons children to collaborate, communicate, create and think critically to make hypotheses and solve problems.  Come visit us and see what's happening in the hive!  



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