Welcome to Millbrook Environmental Connections Magnet Elementary School (MECME)!
We are so glad to have you as part of our community! This page is designed to help families get connected to our school, provide support resources, and to assist with enrollment (inbound and outbound). The men and women who serve in the armed forces and in Non-Defense Uniformed Service are among our most valued assets as a nation and your children deserve the very best WCPSS has to offer. We recognize the unique challenges facing families and students as they transition to a new home and a new school. We have developed this section of our website to provide information about resources available to military-connected families and ways for military families to connect within our school community. We are eager to support the military-connected students that bring rich experiences and perspectives into our classrooms. Please feel free to reach out to any of the contacts below so we can best support you and your student!
Degrees and Certifications:
Miss Emily Schofield
• Emily Schofield serves as a School Counselor and the POC (Point of Contact) for families connected to the military(eschofield2@wcpss.net or 919.850.8700 ext. 26254)(pictured)
• Liz Robinson serves as our Data Manager and can answer questions about Enrollment (erobinson@wcpss.net or 919.850.8700 ext. 26242)