Green Bees (Student Eco-Action Team)
MECME's Green Bees are part of our school's Eco-Action Team comprised of students from grades 3-5 and teachers, who work together to make our school greener. In the past, Green Bees have helped MECME achieve our goal of becoming a Green Flag school with Eco-Schools USA. The Eco‐Schools USA program focuses on greening existing school buildings, school grounds, curricula, and the student experience.
This year, students will meet on Wednesday mornings (7:15-7:45 am) with their advisors and other Green Bees to engage in greening activities and work around our campus.
Students who are interested in becoming a Green Bee and being a part of MECME's Eco-School initiative need to apply using the 2023-2024 Green Bees Application Teacher recommendations are required.