• Assignment Planning Process

  • WCPSS staff collaborates with demographers, Wake County government, and municipal officials to develop a 10-year student membership forecast that is updated annually. The forecast helps us to better understand when and where new growth is coming into our district. This forecast helps us look ahead, up to ten years, and project enrollment growth throughout the district. This information helps us update our capital improvement plan and make more informed decisions about school assignments. 

    How it works

    Below is the timeline for the annual enrollment planning process.

    1. Presentation of the Student Membership Forecast (1-year and 10-year projections) - Review the materials | Watch the presentation on YouTube

    2. Review of projected crowding for the next school year - Review the materials | Watch the presentation on YouTube

    3. Review of Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) updates (7-year plan)

    4. Preparation of the Annual Enrollment Plan

      1. Public engagement to capture thoughts and ideas to support the development of the next enrollment plan. Review engagement session feedback and summaries.

      2. Review of goals for the next enrollment plan with the Board. Review the materials | Watch the presentation on YouTube.

      3. Presentation of an initial draft of the enrollment plan

      4. Public engagement to help families review and understand the recommendations in the initial draft plan

      5. Review of public feedback with the Board and presentation of any recommended revisions to the initial draft

      6. Public hearing on the draft enrollment plan by the Board

      7. Presentation of the final draft of the enrollment plan for the Board's review and approval

    5. Review and approval of capped schools due to overcrowding concerns

    6. Review of options to address other school utilization concerns

    What's next?

    March and April - Student assignment staff hosted regional public engagement sessions for areas that may be impacted by the opening of 5 new schools in the 2025-26 school year and 1 school projected to open in the 2026-27 school year. Review the feedback submitted via ThoughtExchange below.


    Virtual Public Engagement Sessions: May 8 and 9  - Student assignment staff hosted two virtual public engagement sessions to provide a general understanding of the planning process and potential assignment impacts involving current schools. Review the feedback submitted via ThoughtExchange.

    If you missed the in-person and virtual public engagement sessions, watch this video detailing the presentation.

    June - Focus groups on topics related to student assignment. 

Frequently Asked Questions

  • When will we know the calendars of the schools opening?

  • Why are reassignments needed?

  • What policy guides the student assignment plan process?

  • Will there be options for a stability transfer?

  • If I have to move to a year-round school, how are tracks assigned?