• Felton Grove Frequently Asked Questions


  • When will the principal be hired?

  • When is the school expected to open? What will be the school hours?

  • How do you determine which teacher will fill positions at Felton?

  • What will the mascot be?

  • What will lunch look like? Will all students go at the same time?

  • When we will know exactly who is being affected by the opening of this school?


  • How are classes, clubs, and sports enabled?

  • What electives will be offered?

  • Will they have a career academy?

  • Will Felton Grove have an engineering program or other cohort?

  • Will the school open with the same AP/Honors offerings as other high schools?


  • Will sports be available at Felton Grove? If yes, will it be both junior varsity and varsity? Which ones?

  • Will there be homecoming?


  • What kind of extra curricular activities will there be?

  • What year will the drama program start?

  • Will there be marching band?

  • Will there be dance?

  • Will there be a fall play or a spring musical?

Student Assignment

  • What is the capacity of the school?

  • Can students stay at their current school?

  • Explain the stability transfer for siblings.

  • What neighborhoods are being reassigned to Felton Grove High?

  • Would current high school students be shifted? Student is a sophomore at Holly Springs High and will be a senior in 2025-26.

  • What is the timeline for construction?