- Wake County Public School System
- Felton Grove Frequently Asked Questions
Felton Grove Frequently Asked Questions
When will the principal be hired?
We anticipate starting and completing the hiring process in the Fall semester of 2024.
When is the school expected to open? What will be the school hours?
The school is projected to open for the 2025-26 school year. We expect the school hours to be 7:25 a.m. - 2:18 p.m.
How do you determine which teacher will fill positions at Felton?
The principal is responsible for hiring teachers and for filling positions as needed based on core academic requirements and student course interests.
What will the mascot be?
The mascot will be determined soon.
What will lunch look like? Will all students go at the same time?
The principal decides on the structure of lunch depending on many variables including student enrollment, cafeteria size, number of juniors/seniors who may choose to take advantage of off-campus lunch, etc.
When we will know exactly who is being affected by the opening of this school?
The initial draft of recommendations will be shared with the Board in September. Visit wcpss.net/assignmentplanning for updates on the timeline and to view presentations shared with the Board.
How are classes, clubs, and sports enabled?
Student organizations aligned with Career and Technical Education program areas will be supported.
What electives will be offered?
The elective offerings in the first year or two will be based on course selection and staffing.
Career and Technical Education will support programs in Agriculture Mechanics, Construction, Family & Consumer Sciences, Business, Marketing, Computer Science/IT, Health Science, Drafting, Technology Engineering & Design. Exact course titles will be determined based on student interest/demand.
Will they have a career academy?
The district has established a goal for all comprehensive high schools to have a career academy. We intend to place an academy at Felton Grove, but it will likely not be in the first couple of years. To implement the academy model, we need to establish CTE programs.
Will Felton Grove have an engineering program or other cohort?
Career pathways in Technology Engineering and Design are planned for Felton Grove.
Will the school open with the same AP/Honors offerings as other high schools?
Felton Grove will ultimately have course offerings and extracurricular options comparable to other comprehensive high schools, but what is offered in the first year or two will be based on course selection and staffing, as well as student interest.
Will sports be available at Felton Grove? If yes, will it be both junior varsity and varsity? Which ones?
Felton Grove High will offer varsity teams in all WCPSS-supported sports with the intent of having junior varsity teams as well when there is adequate expressed student interest. The only exception is in tackle football, which will be JV only for the first school year.
Will there be homecoming?
There will not likely be a homecoming in the first few years as there will not be alumni. School staff will likely create other engagement events at the school.
What kind of extra curricular activities will there be?
Extracurricular activities are largely driven by student interest with processes in place for students to determine.
What year will the drama program start?
Drama courses may likely be added in years 2-3 of the school opening, depending on teacher allotment and student choice.
Will there be marching band?
Marching band is an after-school program that will be offered when a band teacher is hired.
Will there be dance?
Dance courses will be offered based on student interest and teacher allotment. Typically, in years 1-2 Chorus, Band, Visual Arts, and possibly Theatre Arts are courses that are offered. There may be dance offerings/clubs offered after school which may include: a dance team or color guard. Another requirement for dance courses is appropriate classroom space.
Will there be a fall play or a spring musical?
There may be an afterschool arts offering such as a play or musical depending on the interest of students and current staffing.
Student Assignment
What is the capacity of the school?
The current projected capacity (9th-12th) for Felton Grove High School is 2240. However, the school is only projected to serve 9th and 10th-grade students in its first year. Therefore, the adjusted capacity for the first year will be 1120.
Can students stay at their current school?
Felton Grove High is projected to open with 9th and 10th grade and all rising 9th and 10th graders assigned to the new school would be expected to attend the new school unless they are eligible under the stability rules to remain at their current school. Usually, only students with older siblings who will remain assigned to their current school would be eligible for a stability transfer.
Explain the stability transfer for siblings.
Per Board Policy 4150: To the extent practicable, a student who is reassigned will be provided an opportunity to stay at the current school for one additional year if it is the terminal grade for an elementary or middle school (grades 5 and 8), and the student’s siblings will be provided an opportunity to attend the same school for the one year period. The student and siblings must apply for these transfers at the designated time. Also, to the extent practicable, any student currently in high school who is reassigned from an existing school to an existing school will be provided an opportunity to stay at the current school until the terminal grade (grade 12). In addition, opportunities to remain at the current school, including for siblings, may be included in the annual student enrollment plan. More information regarding recommendations for the 2025-26 school year will be provided once the stability rules for these plans have been established.
What neighborhoods are being reassigned to Felton Grove High?
It is too early in the process to identify specific neighborhoods that will be recommended for assignment to Felton Grove High. Specific recommendations will be presented to the Board in September of 2024.
Would current high school students be shifted? Student is a sophomore at Holly Springs High and will be a senior in 2025-26.
Felton Grove High is projected to open with 9th and 10th grades, so rising 11th and 12th graders will not be assigned to the school in its first year.
What is the timeline for construction?
For more information on the project, visit our Facilities Design and Construction page.