Degrees and Certifications:
Danielle Lewis
Parents/ Guardians
I use a class website to provide my students & parents with announcements, assignments, projects, and other course related content.
About Me
I grew up all over the place-Ohio, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Illinois and North Carolina. I attended Apex High School and upon graduation went to UNCG. After two years at UNCG, I transferred to ECU. At ECU, I earned a Bachelor's degree in English with a concentration in Ethnic Studies. After a semester off, I began work on a Master’s degree in English with a concentration in Multicultural Literature. While at ECU I tutored in the writing studio, taught freshman composition and worked as a graduate assistant and played bass in two bands.
After graduation, I worked for 3 years mentoring mentally and behaviorally challenged children. During this time I had my son who has attended school in WCPSS. I decided I wanted to teach public school so I went back to school to clear my teaching license and in 2006 began teaching 8th grade Language Arts. I have taught at CCMMS since 2014.
For me, teaching is a lifestyle and permeates my life. I have been involved with The Tar River Writing Project, one of two state sites of The National Writing Project, since I participated in the first summer institute at ECU in 2007. I have served in leadership positions forThe North Carolina English Teachers Association, an organization that works to connect NC teachers and to provide support and professional development opportunities for teachers all over NC. I love to learn new things, no matter how random they may seem.
Outside of school I have many interests and hobbies. I love to read (mostly fantasy and science fiction), write, camp, cook yummy and good-for-you food, garden, kayak, travel and spend time with my awesome friends, family and doggies. I also love to use technology, tinker and make, practice yoga, keep saltwater fish, and listen to all types of music.
I believe in all of my students and I want you to believe in yourselves. I believe that we all learn through experimentation, error and success. Please be positive and kind to yourselves and others so that we can have an awesome year and build some great memories!