School Tours
Centennial Campus Center for Innovation Magnet Middle School invites you to join #OurDen! We are excited to share our story with you and hope you'll join us for a tour of our campus.
Tour Dates/Times
All tours for this year have been completed, but feel free to view our virtual tour.
As you look ahead to next year, we encourage you to familiarize yourself with the WCPSS magnet school application process.
Please contact our Magnet Coordinator, Rachel Frasier, rfrasier@wcpss.net, with any questions.
Follow us on Twitter (@CCMMSRedWolves) and Instagram (@CentennialCampusMS).
“I'm so impressed with the interactions between teachers and students. The amount of encouragement the teachers provide for these kids - at such an impressionable age - is truly amazing. We are thrilled to be a part of this Red Wolf community! “ -Christine Carey, Parent
“I really like that our school does community circle. We also go on field trips to NC State and we partner up with the Friday Institute. Our Wolf Rallies are really fun, we come together as a family and engage with each other.“ -Ananiah Best, 8th-grader
“In the first few weeks of being here, at Centennial, I found myself very interested in the different variations of afterschool activities to join. I am very pleased with the generosity of the staff and their ability to listen to the students in need. We are also able to share our thoughts and feelings. Overall I'm very grateful for my continuous experience here.” -Bailey Crocket, 6th-grader