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All drone use must comply with board policy 4334/5035/6422 and meet WCPSS unmanned aircraft insurance policy requirements. For questions concerning educational or commercial use, contact Risk Management and Safety before moving forward. No drone flights can be permitted until Risk Management has reviewed the information provided and given approval.
WCPSS Staff/Student Use of Drones on WCPSS Sites – For Educational purposes
If your school or department is interested in purchasing or flying a drone(s) on WCPSS property under the supervision of a WCPSS employee who has a valid Remote Pilot Airman Certificate, the following steps must be followed:
- Contact Risk Management at droneuse@wcpss.net with a description of the drone program
- Receive and review Board Policy 4344/5035/6422 – Operation of Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems/Drones
- Receive and review R&P Policy 4334/5035/6422 – Operation of Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems/Drones
- Submit Drone Registration Form to Risk Management – Registering the drones and indicating the staff who holds the Remote Pilot Airman Certificate.
- Principal sends email acknowledgement and approval of the drone program at the requested school to droneuse@wcpss.net.
Vendor use of drones on WCPSS Sites - For Commercial purposes
WCPSS Department initiating the service must provide the following items to the Vendor as outlined in Board Policy 4334/5035/6422. These items must be submitted to Risk Management at least five business days in advance of the desired flight time at the following email droneuse@wcpss.net. Notify risk management by phone at (919) 694-7603 the items have been sent.
- Vendor Application
- Vendor Acknowledgement Form Board Policy and R&P 4334/5035/6422 – Operation of Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems/Drones
The following attachments must be submitted by the vendor with the application and acknowledgement form:
- COI with Wake County Board of Education as additionally insured with respects to general liability and aviation coverage
- FAA remote Pilot airman certificate
- NCDOT permit
- Flight plan
- Signed Vendor Acknowledgement Form Board Policy and R&P 4334/5035/6422 – Operation of Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems/Drones
- WCPSS department initiating the service must notify the principal of the school for permission.
For Schools
Board Policy 4344/5035/6422
Drone Registration Form (Schools)
For Commercial Use Vendors
Drone Use Application for Vendors
Revised November 30, 2021