Learning Environment Guidelines

  • Our Learning Environment Guidelines (LEGs)* define the characteristics of all the spaces in a new school. Information such as room title and square feet, preferred floor covering and materials, number of electrical outlets, computer drops, height of room, plumbing needs, furniture, use of room, preferred agencies, etc. are identified in the LEGs. Each school level (Elementary, Middle, and High) has a unique set of LEGs, divided into various categories such as General Classrooms, Special Programs, Art, Music, Media Center, Athletics, Auxiliary Athletics, Administration, and Site to name a few.

    Our LEGs exist to supplement, in greater detail, our Approved Space Standards, approved by our Board of Education.  Space Standards simply list the title and square feet of all rooms needed in a new school, whether elementary, middle or high.  Space standards may not be revised, content-wise, without BOE approval.

    Similarly, our Design Guidelines exist as a companion document to our LEGs.  Design Guidelines provide very detailed information on such items as asphalt, masonry, lighting, hardware(lock sets, door handles), toilet partition, etc.

    In addition to architects using the LEGs to design a new school, the LEGs are also used as a guide in renovating or constructing additions at existing schools, within the constraints of the existing buildings and site.


    *In May 2018, the WCPSS LEGs replaced the standards known as the Ed Specs.  The 2018 LEGs are considered 'revision zero,' and will be updated annually based on approved suggestions made throughout the year. 


    Projects already in design phase at the launch of the 2018 LEGs will continue to utilize the Educational Specifications (Ed Specs) as their standard.  For projects entering design phase around the May 2018 launch of the LEGs, consult your Design Consultant Agreement to determine which standards you are to follow, and remain in communication with your school's Sr. Facility Planner.


    Project teams: consult your Sr. Facility Planner for access to our Ed Specs.


View our Learning Environment Guidelines

Click to download*:

Elementary School


*In May 2018, the WCPSS LEGs underwent a major revision.  The 2018 LEGs are considered brand new, with no prior revisions.  The prior version of the LEGs are called the Ed Specs
  • Contact


    Elizabeth Sharpe
    Director, Planning & Design

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