Students who join the Theatre Program at Southeast Raleigh Magnet High School are considered "Scholar Artists" throughout their high school journeys. Scholar Artists progress year-to-year from Beginning, to Intermediate, to Proficient, to Advanced Theatre, as demonstrated in the presentation slideshow and Four-Year Scholar Artist Program Table below.
2025 Spring Musical!
The SRMHS Theater Department is pleased to announce our production of our 2025 Spring Musical in our auditorium! Everything you need to know is being updated here, so check back soon.
Coming Soon!

SRMHS Theatre Slideshow
Join Us
- Instagram:@se_theatreco
- Drama Director:
Mrs. Robin Marshall - Technical Director:
Ms. Maretha Rawls
Four-Year Scholar Artist Program
Year 1:
Beginning TheatreYear 2:
Intermediate TheatreYear 3:
Proficient TheatreYear 4:
Advanced TheatreActing
Focus on the history of the art form and technique by building the actor’s instrument
Focus on strengthening the actor’s instrument by exploring methods and selecting audition pieces
Focus on depth of knowledge in a particular acting method and development of special interest performance work
Focus on analysis of great performers and performances as well as building a performance portfolio
Focus on adapting folk tales, fairytale, and classics through collaboration with peers
Focus on improvisation and sketch comedy as well as non-verbal storytelling
Focus on generating monologues from personal and historical perspectives and devised work in collaboration
Focus on original devised work through the lense of a drama theorist
Focus on building a shared collaborative vision as a member of the team
Focus on building and communicating a vision with a team
Focus on analysis of great works and practitioners and directing peers in an established work
Focus on creating a directorial process and directing peers independently
Performance Studies
Focus on exploring alternative theatre forms
Focus on companies and individuals who engage in alternative forms of theatre and performance
Focus on documentation and process of alternative theatre experiences for audience and artist
Focus on building and crafting alternative theatre experiences
Drama Club and International Thespian Society
Scholar-Artists also have the opportunity to participate in extracurricular organizations and special projects outside of the classroom, such as that of our school Drama Club and International Thespian Society.
- Attend shows (Wake County Schools & local professionals companies)
- Assist with productions
- Assist with fundraising
- Attend conferences
- Earn points toward International Thespian Society
- Grow friendships
- Grow skill sets