SRMHS had an amazing school year for our 25th anniversary, and we have countless people to thank and congratulate as part of it. Thank you to our teachers, staff, directors, and coaches for helping our students succeed in their academic, artistic, and athletic pursuits. Thank you to our PTSA and Alumni Association for organizing unforgettable events and perks throughout the year.
And without further ado, congratulations to our Class of 2023 on their graduation from high school! We are proud of them and wish them all tremendous success and prosperity for their futures!
We also congratulate our retiring staff members, who share a combined 170+ years of service to educating students. We wish these incredibly talented individuals joy as they discover their new, well-deserved free time! They will be greatly missed.
With this year being our school's 25th anniversary, our school being named a Magnet School of Distinction, and our also recently being recognized as a North Carolina Prepared STEM Program of Distinction, there is a lot to celebrate and be proud of at SRMHS!
Thank you to everyone who helped our 25th year as a school be one of the most unforgettable and outstanding yet!
"Bulldog PRIDE...pride in yourself, your school, and your community. 'PRIDE' stands for positivity, respect, integrity, determination, and excellence."
At SRMHS, we are ALL IN!