- Wake County Public School System
- Bus Code of Conduct
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Bus and Cab Rider Code of Conduct
To develop a bus and cab rider code of conduct that supports a safe and orderly ride to and from school and supports drivers to address inappropriate student behavior.
Rider Expectations
District-provided transportation is offered to eligible riders. For the safety of all, students are required to follow certain rules to maintain the opportunity to use this service.
- Keep your hands to yourself
- Sit in your assigned seat
- Use a quiet talking voice
- Remain seated
- Follow driver’s instructions
- Arrive at the bus stop 10 minutes prior to the stop time
- Wait at the bus stop in an orderly manner in a safe location
- Follow loading, crossing rules, and procedures
- Do not bring inappropriate items on the bus or cab
- No hitting and no fighting
- Be totally silent at railroad crossings
- Keep the bus or cab clean
Transportation Intervention
The transportation department will follow the steps below to address any infractions of bus rider expectations in an effort to work directly with the student and family to resolve rider issues. Our goal is to keep students eligible for district transportation.
- First infraction - The driver will discuss any “rider expectations” infractions with the student and document the discussion with the student.
- Second infraction - The driver will discuss the infraction with the student and document the discussion with the student. Transportation will send a letter to the parent describing the infraction.
- Third infraction - Transportation will make a referral to the principal for intervention.
Disciplinary Measures
Disciplinary actions for students who are referred to school administrators for unsafe behavior on the bus will follow along the lines of how discipline is handled in school. The first referral from transportation is sent to school administrators after the bus rider has had two opportunities to correct the bus driver’s concerns through communication between the bus driver and student. The exception would be any major infraction, as listed below, that presents serious safety concerns. In these cases, the student will be immediately suspended from the bus pending a review by the school administration.
Major Infractions
- Drugs (including alcohol and smoking devices)
- Fighting (intentionally attempting to hurt another person)
- Weapons or any dangerous instruments
- Threats or bullying (physical or verbal threats)
- Throwing objects in or out of the bus or vehicle
- Sexual harassment
- Profanity in an aggressive tone or action (verbal or physical)
- Exiting the bus through safety exits
- Level II rule violations as mentioned in School Board Policy 4309 Student Behavior
Major infractions will be reported to school administrators immediately via phone and email.