- Wake County Public School System
- Magnet Express Alternate Stop
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Magnet Express Alternate Stop
Parents provide transportation to and from express stops, which are typically located at sites such as schools or community centers.
Students receiving magnet express bus service are initially assigned to the nearest express bus stop location to their address of record with the school district.
Prior to the start of the new school year, students receiving magnet express bus service may select Magnet Express Alternate Stop on the form below to request an alternate express stop location either for the morning, afternoon or both the morning and afternoon. Only existing magnet express stops for your student’s school may be requested. New stop locations are not considered as part of this process.
To ensure service to the alternate express stop on the first day of school, requests must be received based on the following schedule:
Modified calendar schools must request alternate express bus stop by June 17, 2024
Traditional calendar schools must request alternate express bus stop by July 15, 2024
For families who request an alternate express stop after the cut off date, bus service to the alternate express stop is not guaranteed. Requests received after these cutoff dates will be processed in the order received. It is also possible that the request will not be approved if the alternate bus stop is on a route that does not have available seating capacity.
Any approval for an alternate stop is for the current school year only. Parents/Guardians must resubmit each year.
Please do not submit duplicate requests, as this will delay our ability to respond to your initial request.