Navy Junior Reserve Officer Training Course (NJROTC) is designed as a four-year program. Participation is voluntary and cadets may choose to take a NJROTC course each semester or selectively, as long as the prerequisite courses have been previously completed or permission of the NJROTC instructor is granted.
A special partnership exists between NJROTC and the Healthful Living department to provide students with their Healthful Living credit needed for graduation. To receive the Healthful Living credit required for graduation, students must successfully complete both Naval Science/Healthful Living I and Naval Science/Healthful Living II. The NJROTC and Healthful Living departments deliver these courses through a collaborative team teaching approach.
NJROTC courses beyond level I are identified as advanced electives under the North Carolina Academic Scholars Program. NJROTC classes are challenging, active and fun. The goal of the program is to prepare students to be good citizens and leaders.
Classes meet one period daily and each course includes instruction on drill and physical fitness. The academic, drill and physical fitness components of the curriculum are prepared by the U.S. Navy, and textbooks are provided through the Chief of Naval Education and Training (CNET). The Navy provides textbooks and uniforms to each student free of charge. The uniforms must be worn once per week at a minimum and to other appropriate cadet functions as designated by the SNSI.
Trips to various military facilities provide a look at military personnel, equipment, training and activities. Naval Junior ROTC is a complete program and offers a variety of co-circular competitive and non-competitive activities. The unit performs school, community, and unit service as well as performing in parades and in color guards at school and in the community.
The unit also sponsors voluntary, competitive, co-curricular teams in Academics, Color Guard, Drill, Field Team, Marksmanship (sport and precision division), Orienteering and Physical Fitness. Cadets have opportunities annually to attend various summer camps to build their professional knowledge and enhance their skill. The co-curricular activities are designed to build camaraderie and a sense of belonging among the cadets and provide them opportunities to build their social and leadership skills in a variety of enjoyable and challenging activities.
Cadets earn merit ribbons, medals and promotions based on their in class performance, co-curricular participation, and displayed followership and leadership. Superior participation in the co-curricular activities may result in earning a Cary High School Letter. Students who have participated in NJROTC for one or more semesters, and who are committed to returning to another NJROTC course the following, semester may wear the uniform weekly (all day on uniform day and participation in other required events, inspections, parades etc.) and remain eligible during the off semester for NJROTC extra curricular activities.
No military service obligation is incurred as a result of NJROTC participation. There are, however, some significant benefits, which cadets can earn through participation and demonstrated success in NJROTC. These include advanced rank for enlistment, nominations for college ROTC scholarships, and nominations to the Military Academies.
All students are required to complete an annual health screening questionnaire and to have an annual Wake County Sports Physical no later than September 1st each school year. All NJROTC courses have time during class devoted to drill and physical training.