- Wake County Public School System
- Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports
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Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a nationally recognized research-based best practice. Schools that implement PBIS with fidelity over time demonstrate the following outcomes:
- Improved school climate
- Reductions in office discipline referrals and in-school and out of school suspensions
- Increased parent and community satisfaction
- Improved systems for responding to students in need of additional support with social behavior
What is PBIS?
The foundation for implementing PBIS is defining, teaching, and supporting appropriate student behaviors in classroom and non-classroom settings. With a focus on desired behaviors, schools hope to prevent negative behaviors as much as possible and form ways to help students who may struggle with behavior. Much like with academic learning, school personnel identify ways to help all students, groups of students, and individual students with behavior and PBIS teams help lead the charge to develop sound structures to efficiently help students.
Research-backed practices
Research has shown that the implementation of punishment, especially when it is used inconsistently and in the absence of other positive strategies, is ineffective (www.pbis.org). Introducing, teaching, and reinforcing positive social behavior regardless of the age of students is important as school-wide PBIS works to establish a climate where desired behavior is the norm.
PBIS school expectations
- School-wide expectations clearly defined and posted in areas around the school
- Methods for recognizing positive behavior
- Consistent and logical consequences for problem behavior focused on helping students learn how to improve
PBIS at home
PBIS concepts can also support students at home. Since students learn school-wide expectations thoroughly, these can help parents craft desired behavior they want to see at home and build on the universal language schools create to promote appropriate behavior.