• School Level Services

    K-5 Intervention 

    Why: We believe that all students can be high achieving

    What: We provide a structure for teams at schools to analyze student data to guide in developing a plan when a student is not meeting their grade-level benchmark. To achieve our goal, we support schools in implementing the Multiple Tiers System of Support process to address a student's needs before the child falls significantly below benchmark.

    When: Students who are not progressing adequately in the regular classroom are provided with some type of intervention. These interventions are based on collaborative conversations around identifying the student’s greatest needs. The developed plan outlines what the intervention will be, when the intervention will take place, who will provide the intervention and how we will know if it is working.

    How: Coordinating teachers provide and support intervention teachers at all elementary schools by:

    • Providing professional development
    • Facilitating problem-solving for students
    • Creating systems and structures

    If you have any questions you may contact jestes@wcpss.net.

    Middle School Intervention 

    Why: We believe all students can be high achieving
    What: We provide a structure for teams at schools to analyze student data to guide in developing a plan when a student is not meeting their grade level benchmark. To achieve our goal, we support schools in implementing the Multiple Tiers System of Support process to address a student's needs before the child falls significantly below benchmark. Some specific resources are Academy of Reading, Vmath and Pathdriver.
    When: Students who are not progressing adequately in the regular classroom are provided with some type of intervention. These interventions are based on collaborative conversations around identifying the student’s greatest needs. The developed plan outlines what the intervention will be, when the intervention will take place, who will provide the intervention and how we will know if it is working.
    How: The Middle School Coordinating Teacher provides support to intervention teachers at all middle schools by:

    • Providing professional development
    • Facilitating problem solving for students
    • Creating systems and structures

    High School Intervention

    All high schools have an Intervention Coordinator. In order to provide targeted research-based interventions, High School Intervention Coordinators use a problem‐solving process that continually monitors and modifies (as needed) each student’s plan. Interventions are preventative and provide immediate support to students who are at risk for academic and behavioral failure using scientifically research‐based instruction. High School Intervention Coordinators use data‐based decision making, screenings, tiered model of delivery, and progress monitoring data to focus on strategies like credit recovery opportunities and intentional scheduling to improve the high school graduation rate. Essential components integrate assessment and intervention within a school‐wide, multi‐level instructional system to maximize student achievement and reduce behavior problems for all students.

    Credit Recovery 

    Gradpoint is a web-based online academic recovery program for students to access core instruction that were not successful the first or second time in a face-to-face setting. Each high school has a Gradpoint lab facilitated by a certified teacher.