- Wake County Public School System
- K-12 Assessments
K-12 Assessments

Students take different types of assessments throughout each school year. Some assessments are required by federal, state, and local governments. The information gathered from these assessments serves many purposes. such as supporting educators in measuring student progress toward curricula standards, skills, or performance benchmarks, monitoring programs that impact students' learning, and identifying students who need additional academic support. Find more information about required state assessments.
The following is a list of assessments that are administered by grade level. Detailed information about each of these assessments can be accessed in the assessment glossary. Contact your school with questions about assessments.
Elementary School Assessments
Grades K-2
- NC Early Learning Inventory (NC ELI) (Kindergarten only)
- Number Knowledge Test (NKT)
- NCDPI End of Year Summative Math Assessment
Grades 3-5
- mCLASS (Grade 3)
- STAR Math
- NCDPI Math and Reading Check-Ins
- NCDPI Science Check-Ins (Grade 5 only)
- NCDPI End of Grade Math Test
- NCDPI End of Grade Reading Test
- NCDPI Beginning of Grade 3 Reading Test (Grade 3 only)
- NCDPI End of Grade Science Test (Grade 5 only)
Middle School Assessments
Grades 6-8
- FastBridge for Reading
- STAR Math
- NCDPI Math and Reading Check-Ins
- NCDPI Science Check-Ins (Grade 8 only)
- NCDPI End of Grade Math Test OR NC Math 1*
- NCDPI End of Grade Reading Test
- NCDPI End of Grade Science Test (Grade 8 only)
*Students enrolled in high school Math I in Grades 6-7 must take both the state NC Math 1 as well as the End-of-Grade Math Test. In Grade 8, Math I students take only the NC Math 1 test.
High School Assessments
These tests are taken at the end of certain high school courses, regardless of student's grade level:
- NCDPI Check-Ins (NC Math 1, NC Math 3, Biology, English II)
- NCDPI End-of-Course Tests (NC Math 1, NC Math 3, Biology, English II)
- NCDPI Career-Technical Education Tests and Performance Based Measures (various courses)
- Advanced Placement Tests (various AP courses; optional)
- International Baccalaureate Tests (various IB courses)
10th grade
- Students must take the Pre-ACT.
11th grade
- All students must take the ACT in the spring.
- Students may take the PSAT.
12th grade
- Students in 12th grade pursuing a CTE Concentration take the ACT WorkKeys in the spring.
Testing Calendars
Find testing calendars for all schools and grade levels on the district's main calendar page.