Capital Improvement Program 2018

  • What is Capital Improvement Program 2018 (CIP 2018)?

  • Why is CIP 2018 important?

  • What if my school isn't listed in the school building program?


  • How will CIP 2018 be financed?

  • What is the tax implication of the bond?

  • Why use bonds?

  • Why doesn't growth pay for itself?

  • What happens if the bond doesn't pass?

  • How does Wake County's property tax rate compare with other counties' rates?

  • Doesn't the state lottery cover education costs?

Other Measures

  • Why doesn't Wake increase class size?

  • Is Wake using innovative measures for providing classroom seats?

  • Does Wake have long-range plans?

Design and Construction

  • How do Wake's construction costs compare to other school districts in North Carolina?

  • How much does it cost to build a school?

  • What are Wake's land development costs?

  • How long does it take to build a school?

  • What does WCPSS consider when looking for new school sites?

  • What is the status of mobile/modular classrooms?

Year-Round Schools

  • Will the school building program include additional new year-round schools?

  • Why not convert all elementary and middle schools to multi-track year-round calendars?

  • Why not convert high schools to multi-track year-round calendars?