Visual and Performing Arts

  • Enloe's Arts Program

    Enloe Magnet High School has the largest and most comprehensive arts program in the Wake County Public School System. All disciplines have entry through advanced levels of study for students who are interested in experiencing arts and for the student who wants to make it a career. Some courses are two periods to allow the student to concentrate in that subject. The courses have been divided up into five sections: Dance, Music, Drama, Visual Arts, and Broadcasting Arts.

    View additional program information and learn more about the arts at Enloe by visiting the Arts Department website at 

    While considering taking a class in this department, several study tips are suggested for the students...

    • Have the ability to organize both thoughts and time.
    • Respect one another and the teacher.
    • Respect the equipment and workspace provided.
    • Be aware that constructive criticism is a basis for growth and improvement.
    • Possess the ability to discern patterns, structures and concepts and to use them in a the creative process.
    • Have good listening and study skills. Be able to complete all assignments in an appropriate and timely manner.
    • Utilize before and after school time and lunches to gain additional class, production or practice time. Organize the time at home for additional practice.
    • Do the assigned homework assignments. They are given to help the student to succeed in the art. The importance of homework cannot be ignored!