Attendance Policies


    Office personnel may not supply student attendance information to parents/guardians by phone due to confidentiality. In order to receive attendance information, parents/guardians must be present and show a valid ID.

    Please visit the district attendance site for additional information and details about policies for excused versus unexcused absences.

    Consistent school attendance is necessary for academic success and, therefore, we place a great deal of emphasis on consistent school attendance. Students should be present daily unless there is a valid reason for being absent. At Enloe High School, cumulative absences (any combination of excused and unexcused) above ten (10) in a semester or twenty (20) in one or more classes in a year are considered excessive. After ten (10) days in a semester class or twenty (20) days of accumulated absences in a year-long class and failure to meet the set expectations, the student may be subject to failure, retention, or summer school. A student must be present for at least half of the day in order to participate in any extracurricular activities that day.   

    Checking Out/In to school:

    Students cannot be checked out of school after 1:50pm.  

    Anytime a student is being checked out of school, parents/guardians must present proper photo ID (Driver License/ID) to the attendance secretary and complete the check-out form. Only those who are listed in the school database will be permitted to checkout a student. Students will not be granted permission to leave campus unless parents or guardians are reached.This includes students who are 18 years of age or older. Students who leave without checking out will receive an unexcused absence. This includes leaving for lunch and not returning to school.

    In the event that a student must leave campus for a planned appointment, the student must report to the attendance office before school and present to the attendance clerk a note for verification. Upon verification, the attendance technician will give the student a pass to be dismissed from class at the appropriate time. At the designated time the student will then report to the attendance office to sign out and meet his/her parent. Upon returning to school, the student must check in with the attendance clerk and present the signed check-out note.

    Notes from parents requesting check-out for appointments should include the following information:

    • Name of Student & Student ID#

    • Reason for early dismissal

    • Phone number where the parent can be reached during the day

    • Parent signature

    Following an absence:

    When a student returns to school after being absent, the student must bring a note signed by the parent or guardian. The note should include the following information:

    • Name of Student & Student ID# 

    • Date(s) of absences & Reason for absence

    • Phone number where the parent can be reached during the day

    • Parent signature

    The student should take the note to the Attendance Office (East) or Main office (West) before classes 6:55-7:25, during lunch, or after school. Notes should be presented within 2 days of the student’s return to school (including physician notes).


    Approved Education & College Visitation Days: A student who plans educational leave and has scheduled the trip during a regular school day needs to obtain a “Request for Excused Absence for Educational Leave” form from the attendance office and have his/her parent complete the form. Seniors are allowed two (2) educational leave days, including college visits, which do not count toward absences for exam exemptions. The form should be turned back into the attendance office AT LEAST TWO DAYS PRIOR to the day of the visit. At that time, the attendance staff member will give the form to their Alpha Administrator for approval. Failure to submit a Request For Excused Absence For Educational Reasons form prior to the college visitation will result in an absence that will count against the senior for exemption purposes, and all students will receive an unexcused absence.




Contact the Attendance Office

Attendance Office email address: