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Principal's Message 2/19/24



Good Evening, Stallion Families!

Happy President’s Day Weekend!  I hope you are finding some time this weekend to get outside, spend time with family and friends, and do the things that bring you joy!  We are looking forward to a short, but productive week here at Stough.  Have a great week!  😀


Upcoming Events

  • February 19, 2024- President’s Day Holiday- No School for Students or Staff

  • February 20, 2024- Teacher Workday- No School for Students

  • February 20, 2024- Stough Spirit Day at Big Air

  • March 5, 2024- Teacher Work Day due to elections. (Recently added by WCPSS)

  • March 9, 2024- WCPSS Job Fair at South Garner High School

  • March 11, 2024- Teacher Work Day

  • March 25-29, 2024- Spring Break!


Shout outs and Celebrations!

  • Congratulations to our entire Stough Elementary School community!  We have been selected as one of the sixteen “2024 Distinguished Chinese Programs in the USA” by the Chinese Language Teachers Association.  Our magnet coordinator, Ms. Zhao will be traveling to St. Louis later this year to accept the award on behalf of our school community.  #StoughProud

  • Congratulations to Eric Liu and Sunny Chiang who have been honored with the “Pioneering Leadership in Language Learning” award for their contributions for advancing Chinese Language Learning through the CLTAC reading contest.  This award celebrates the remarkable efforts and achievements in fostering a rich learning environment and encouraging student participation in cultural and linguistic exploration.  Congratulations to both of our amazing Chinese teachers!

  • Congratulations to MacKenzie Winfrey, our ECS Intensive teacher who was recognized by the district (and her school) for her talent and hard work as a beginning teacher.  We are so proud of you!  


The Positivity Project: February 19- 23: Humility

  • The Positive Project publishes a Family Newsletter each week.  Please use this link to learn more about this week’s character trait, and find some talking points to use with your family.  Humility- Family Newsletter


Volunteers in the Building

  • I want to thank all of our volunteers who show up in our building to support our students and staff.  We are grateful for you!  Please continue to show up!  We need you!

  • It has been brought to my attention that teachers/staff are occasionally being interrupted by volunteers who stop in their classrooms/offices to talk when on campus.  It is difficult for them to tell you, “Now is not a good time” as they never want to appear rude.  I respectfully ask that you honor their work by scheduling time to talk via email or phone call.  Teachers are happy to talk with you and want to be prepared and focused for any conversation they have about your child.  Thank you!


Reading Challenge

  • From now until April 5, we are encouraging your students to expand their reading with a school wide reading challenge.   Students who read 10 books that fit their choice of challenges from this choice board will have an opportunity to choose a FREE book to keep in April.   Students will receive their printed copy of the challenge next week, but they can start reading now!   When students read a book, they simply tell any adult about the book they finished and have the adult initial that box on their challenge sheet.   When they have 10 boxes filled, they have completed the challenge and can bring their sheet to the library.    Mrs. Galvan will allow them to choose a free book in April.  


Canvas Parent Observer Accounts

  • We want all parents to have observer accounts for their children's Canvas accounts.   Once you are connected as an observer for your child, you will remain connected to all of your child's Canvas courses through the years.   You can see announcements from your child's teachers, assignments your child has submitted and feedback from teachers.   Our teachers are growing in their knowledge and use of Canvas, so you should see more as our knowledge and use of this tool grows.  Teachers can provide you with a "pairing code" specific to your child, OR you can get the code by having your student log in to Canvas in their Wake ID portal with these directions. 


Single Subject Acceleration (SSA)- 

  • SSA provides an opportunity for students to show mastery of content in select elementary or middle school courses. Students who can demonstrate mastery of grade level content standards do not have to take the course and may move on to the next level.  For example, a student in 2nd grade may be able to take a 3rd grade math class.

  • The Test Request window for Single Subject Acceleration or SSA at Stough begins on April 1, and ends on April 12.  Parents may request testing for their child to skip a grade level of content in English Language Arts or Math (not both- it’s “single” subject).  No requests for testing will be honored prior to April 1.

  • The testing window is from April 22-May 6.  

  • If you have questions or would like to learn more about SSA, please plan to attend our parent meeting on Thursday, March 7 at 6:30 pm and 7:30 pm. Please email Mrs. Cecconi-Roberts at for more information.


BIMAS 2- Behavior Intervention Monitoring Assessment System (Spring Assessment)

  • Letters about the BIMAS screener were sent home with students in Friday Folders on February 9, 2024.  Please check your child’s folder for this form and the opt-out form.  If you choose to “opt out” of this assessment, you must return the form before Friday, February 23, 2024.  Please contact Maggie Mariella, AP  ( or Sarah Hamel, school psychologist  ( with questions.


Career Day

  • We will be having a Career Day on March 22 for our 4th and 5th graders. The goal is to give students exposure to careers that they may not be familiar with. If you are interested or know someone who would be interested in participating and sharing about your career with the students, please complete this form: Our selected volunteers will be sharing three thirty-minute sessions with students changing rooms in between. Ms. Sears will follow up with those who complete the interest form. 


Substitute Teachers

  • Thank you!  Thank you!  Thank you!  I am excited and grateful!  A good number of you have reached out to me to gather information about becoming a substitute teacher.  Remember, we can use you for any amount of time… as little or as much as you have to give.  To make this process easier, these are the steps to follow.

    • The Wake County Public School System has a process.  You can find it here.

    • Once WCPSS has cleared you to sub, and you have gone through orientation, please reach out to our lead secretary, Ann Coventry (  She will help you get set up in the system to accept sub jobs here at Stough.


Stough Magnet Elementary PTA

  • PTA General Membership Meeting: Tuesday, March 12 @ 7:30 pm via Zoom

  • Stough Spirit Day 2 Big Air: Tuesday, Feb. 20

    • Stop by Big Air between 10a - 8pm on Tuesday, Feb. 20 for some fun energy burning while schools are closed.  

  • Yearbooks: 

    • You can now order your Stough yearbook! You can use the order form here, the paper copy sent home with students or go to and use the yearbook ID code 14638124.  The deadline to place your order is Friday, April 5. 

  • PTA Communications

    • We have a busy and fun semester planned and with many opportunities for you to get involved from home or at school. Are you getting our newsletters? PTA members are automatically subscribed. Not a member but want to receive our communications? Subscribe HERE

    • Looking for one place you can scroll through anytime to see what's going on now and what's coming up? Check out the "Events & Updates" tab at 

    • As always, we will continue to include important dates in Principal Lay's Weekly Email. 


Have a wonderful week!

Mrs. Jodi Lay 

Principal, Stough Magnet Elementary School