Wakefield High School Visual and Performing Arts Department offers a vibrant and diverse selection of elective core courses in the arts. We believe that participation in Arts Education is fundamental to a student receiving well balanced education and many benefits to the development of the whole person. Whether a student chooses to pursue painting, sculpting or sketching in visual arts study or decides to study a performing art form such as dance, theatre, vocal or instrumental music, we have a variety of courses that is appealing and fulfilling regardless of ability or experience.
“Arts education benefits both student and society, because students of the arts disciplines gain powerful tools for:- understanding human experiences, both past and present;
- teamwork and collaboration;
- making decisions creatively and solving problems, when no prescribed answers exist;
- adapting to and respecting others' diverse ways of thinking, working, and expressing themselves;
- understanding the influence of the arts and their power to create and reflect cultures;
- analyzing nonverbal communication, and making informed judgments about products and issues; and,
- communicating effectively.
Fine Arts Class Options
Visual Arts
Visual Arts 1: No Pre-req.Visual Arts 2: Pre-req. Art 1Visual Arts 3 Honors: Pre-req. Art 2Visual Arts 4 Honors: Pre-req. Art 3Painting: Honors Pre-req. Art 1Drawing: Pre-req. Art 1AP Art/Drawing: Pre-req. At least a B+ average in Art 3 and Permission of InstructorAP Art/Drawing: Pre-req. At least a B+ average in Art 3 and Permission of InstructorAP Art/Drawing: Pre-req. At least a B+ average in Art 3 and Permission of InstructorIndependent Study: Pre-req. Art 3or Sculpture 2 and Permission of InstructorSculpture/Ceramics 1: Pre-req. Art 1Sculpture/Ceramics 2: Honors Pre-req. Sculpture/Ceramics 1 and Permission of Instructor. The student will work independently in sculptural media selected by the student with teacher's approval.
Theatre I - Beginning
Open to ALL students in grades 9-12. All acting students will be required to learn juggling skills in addition to all the regular standard course of study.
Theatre II - Intermediate
Open to ALL students in grades 9-12. Prerequisite: Beginning Theatre (B avg) or *successful audition or placement by review. Concentration on Folio Style approach to the script is emphasized.
Theatre III - Proficient (Honors)
Open to ALL students in grades 10-12. Prerequisite: Theatre Intermediate (B avg) or *successful audition or placement by review. Continued development of individual skills in acting through various styles. (Stanislavski, Hagen, Meisner, Viewpoints, etc)
Theatre IV - Advanced (Honors)
Open to ALL students in grades 10-12. Prerequisite: Theatre II and *successful audition or placement by review. Students must sign up for Advanced Theatre for FALL and SPRING as this is a year-long course and may not be dropped mid-year. This is a production class that produces our two educational matinee performances for Elementary and Middle Schools to view during the school day.
Technical Theatre I - Beginning
Open to ALL students in grades 9-12. This class is an overview of all the aspects of working backstage for a theatre production. Areas include: Production Organization and Management, The Design Process, History of the Theatre, Stage and its equipment, Style Composition and Design, Color, Scenic Design, Tools and Materials, Production Techniques, Stage Properties, Scene Painting, Lighting Design, Electrical Theory, Costume Design, Makeup Design, Sound Design and Methods of Drawing for the Theatre. There is also a “crew” component to this course which involves “hands-on” learning, however, the written component is rigorous.
Technical Theatre II – Intermediate
This class is in conjunction with our Studio “A” Technical theatre students must *interview prior to being accepted in the program. Students should be prepared to discuss their interest in all areas of production and any special skills they have or would like to further develop. These students should register for one term of Technical Theatre II Intermediate. If there is a strong interest, these students may also sign up for Technical Theatre III Honors for 2nd term for a year-long experience.
Technical Theatre III - Proficient (Honors)
This class is in conjunction with our Studio “A” Technical theatre students must *interview prior to being accepted in the program. Students should be prepared to discuss their interest in all areas of production and any special skills they have or would like to develop. These students should register for two terms of Technical Theatre III Advanced (Honors).
Independent Study Theatre – Advanced (Honors)
The student works independently in a special area of concentration selected by the student with the theatre teacher’s approval. A student must have a sponsoring teacher and must have arranged a program of study prior to registering for this course. -
Dance I - Beginning – Open to ALL students grades 9-12. Outside rehearsals and performances are required.Dance II (Studio C)- Intermediate – Audition only. These will be in the spring, please contact sproctor@wcpss.net for audition times.Outside rehearsals and performances are required.
Dance III (Studio B) - Proficient (Honors) – Audition only. These will be in the spring, please contact sproctor@wcpss.net for audition times.
Outside rehearsals and performances are required.
Dance III (Colorguard) - Proficient (Honors) – Audition only. These will be held in the spring. You must attend at least 2 dates to be considered. Outside rehearsals and performances are required. Contact sproctor@wcpss.net for more information.
Dance IV (Studio A/Dance Team)- Advanced (Honors) – Audition only. These will be held in the spring. You must attend both auditions to be considered. Outside rehearsals and performances are required. Contact sproctor@wcpss.net for more information. This is a yearlong course. -
Instrumental Music
Band is offered all year during 2nd and 4th periods. Students should sign up for a course both semesters. Any student with previous band experience should sign up for at least Band II. To receive Band III & IV Honors, students must have permission from the director. Students are able to take the same section for multiple semesters. All new students should contact the band director.The following ensembles are currently offered during the school year:Marching Band: This ensemble begins rehearsing in the spring to prepare for the next season. Marching Band is a fall semester class that performs at football games and some weekend band competitions. The Marching Band also performs in a couple local parades and the school pep rallies. There are mandatory after school rehearsals and weekend activities. Previous marching experience is not required, but students must have previous playing experience on a band instrument. This ensemble has financial responsibilities to pay for traveling, equipment, and other expenses.
Concert Band: Concert Band is a fall semester indoor class. Members of this ensemble have previous playing experience and wish to continue in high school. This ensemble does not require an audition, but new students should schedule an appointment with Mr. Muñoz to assess their level. Students who do not wish to participate in marching band sign up for this course.
Wind Ensemble: The Wind Ensemble is the top performance group at Wakefield during the spring semester of each school year. Students in this course are placed on experience, ability, attitude, and work ethic. Students will not be placed into this ensemble if they are a first year member at Wakefield. Students in this course receive an honors credit.
Symphonic Band: The Symphonic Band is the second spring semester ensemble. Students who do not place into the Wind Ensemble or are new to Wakefield participate in this ensemble. Previous playing experience is expected.
Beginning Band: If students have an interest in learning to play a band instrument, this is the course for them. There is currently no beginning band class, but students can schedule a meeting with Mr. Muñoz to discuss possible options within ensembles as a beginning player. Students must be highly motivated to practice and learn independently in order to succeed.
Additional Opportunites: Students also have the opportunity to participate in the pit orchestra, chamber groups, the winter guard, and winter percussion. In addition, students can apply to the Tri-M Honor Society as a Junior or Senior. Students are also encouraged to audition for ensembles outside of school, like the All-District Bands.
Fine Arts Department Directory
Last Name | First Name | Position | Teacher Website | |
Beeman | Eric | ebeeman@wcpss.net | Theatre and Video production | |
Delaney | Catherine | cdelaney@wcpss.net | Drama | |
King | Sara | sking2@wcpss.net | Art | https://sites.google.com/wcpss.net/whsart/home |
McFarland | Bobby | bmcfarland@wcpss.net | Band/Orchestra | |
Proctor | Shannon | sproctor@wcpss.net | Dance | https://sites.google.com/wcpss.net/whsdance-ms-proctor-website/home |
Valentino | Dawn | dvalentino@wcpss.net | Art | https://sites.google.com/wcpss.net/whsvisualart-valentino/home |