  • Wakefield High School Visual and Performing Arts Department offers a vibrant and diverse selection of elective core courses in the arts. We believe that participation in Arts Education is fundamental to a student receiving well balanced education and many benefits to the development of the whole person. Whether a student chooses to pursue painting, sculpting or sketching in visual arts study or decides to study a performing art form such as dance, theatre, vocal or instrumental music, we have a variety of courses that is appealing and fulfilling regardless of ability or experience.

    “Arts education benefits both student and society, because students of the arts disciplines gain powerful tools for:
    • understanding human experiences, both past and present;
    • teamwork and collaboration;
    • making decisions creatively and solving problems, when no prescribed answers exist;
    • adapting to and respecting others' diverse ways of thinking, working, and expressing themselves;
    • understanding the influence of the arts and their power to create and reflect cultures;
    • analyzing nonverbal communication, and making informed judgments about products and issues; and,
    • communicating effectively.
    The arts are core subjects in the Federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act, and the NC Basic Education Program, and, as such, are included as core subjects every student should learn as part of a balanced curriculum for all children in North Carolina. While not all students will become professional dancers, musicians, actors, or visual artists, all students will benefit from skills and processes that are developed through the arts and that can be applied in a variety of disciplines and settings.” -Taken from []

Fine Arts Class Options

  • Visual Arts

  • Theatre

  • Dance

  • Instrumental Music

Fine Arts Department Directory

Last Name First Name Email Position Teacher Website
Beeman Eric Theatre and Video production
Delaney Catherine Drama
King Sara Art
McFarland Bobby Band/Orchestra
Proctor Shannon Dance
Valentino Dawn Art