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Principal's Message 1/29/24



Good Evening, Stallion Families!

What a wonderful week it has been!  I enjoyed every minute of caring for my niece and her newborn baby this past week.  Many thanks to all of you who supported our Stough community so well this past week, who sent words of encouragement and love to me and my family, and who reminded me that while the work of educators is harder today than it ever has been, we are all human, and need to take time to love on and care for our families.  I am grateful for you!  Thank you! 


Upcoming Events

  • January 30, 2024- Stough PTA General Meeting (see details below)

  • February 5-9, 2024- National School Counselor Week

  • February 8, 2024- Stough Elementary Chinese New Year Celebration

  • February 12-16, 2024- Nation Love the Bus Week (Bus Driver Appreciation)

  • February 19, 2024- President’s Day Holiday- No School for Students or Staff

  • February 20, 2024- Teacher Workday- No School for Students


Shout outs!

  • A  big shout of thanks to Maggie Mariella and our Stough Admin Support Team (Shelly Cox, Sarah Huskey, Jenny Zhao, Carolyn Sears, and Sara Morlock) for stepping up and stepping in this past week while I was gone.  I am grateful for your leadership and for your commitment to our Stough community.  Thank you!

  • Thank you to our Spelling Bee Queen- Dr. Lecia Cecconi-Roberts.  Lecia, I was able to watch the spelling bee from home on Friday.  It was evident that you put a great deal of time and energy into making sure this event was flawless.  Thank you for your leadership with this event.

  • We were excited for the return of Mr. Chris Cox as our pronouncer at Friday’s Spelling Bee.  Thank you, Principal Cox for taking time away from the Leesville community to spend the morning with us.  You know what they say… once a Stallion, always a Stallion.  We look forward to seeing you again in the future.  You are welcome back any time!


Stough Elementary- 2024 Magnet School of Distinction

  • We are excited to announce that Stough Magnet Elementary School has been named one of the top 2024 Magnet Schools of Distinction by Magnet Schools of America, the national association for magnet and theme-based schools!

  • To receive this national merit award, our school submitted a detailed application that was scored by a panel of educators.  Our school was judged and scored on our demonstrated ability to raise student academic achievement, promote racial and socioeconomic diversity, provide integrated curricula and instruction, and create strong family and community partnerships that enhance the school’s magnet theme.  We are proud to receive this award!

  • Thank you to Mrs. Jenny Zhao who led our team in completing this application only days after stepping into her new role.  Jenny, we are grateful for your leadership, and for the time you and Shelly Cox put into this process.  Thanks to both of you!


Chinese New Year Celebration

Mark your calendars! Stough's Chinese New Year Celebration will be held on Thursday, February 8th, 2024 from 5:30 to 7:30 pm. All Immersion students and 3rd-5th traditional students will perform. All Stough families are welcome to celebrate the Chinese New Year with us.  Please view the following link for more information.

Chinese New Year Celebration


Stough 2024 Spelling Bee

  • The Stough Elementary School 2024 Spelling Bee was held on Friday, January 26th.  We are very proud of all 57 students who participated in this year’s event.  We set a new school record of 59 rounds.  Wow!  We have some great spellers!

  • Dr. Cecconi-Roberts would like to extend her thanks to Chris Cox, Maggie Mariella, Luis Belgoderi and the custodial staff, the Stough Specialists Team, Stough PTA, and Seydric Williams for their support with the event.

  • Congratulations to the following students:

    • In 4th place, our champion from last year- Alyna (5th grade)

    • In 3rd place- Helen (5th grade)

    • In 2nd place- Carrington (4th grade)

    • In 1st place- Ashir (4th grade)




Student Support Services


Stough Wildlife Garden Club

  • The Stough Wildlife Garden Club will hold meetings every other week starting February 12th from 4:15 to 5:30 p.m. in Mrs. Rieder's classroom. 

    • Students interested in joining must email Mrs. Rieder at ( Please include your student's name, grade level, teacher name, and parent contact information. 

    • We welcome all parent and teacher volunteers to participate in our club.



  • KidzArt drawing classes Session 3 begins on Feb 6 (Tuesday). Every week is a new project and returning students are welcome! Classes meet on Tuesdays at 4-5 pm in the Art Room for K-5th grades students. Your child will bring home a finished artwork that he/she will be proud of each week! For more info contact Chen the owner at To register please visit


Substitute Teachers

  • Thank you!  Thank you!  Thank you!  I am excited and grateful!  A good number of you have reached out to me to gather information about becoming a substitute teacher.  Remember, we can use you for any amount of time… as little or as much as you have to give.  To make this process easier, these are the steps to follow.

    • The Wake County Public School System has a process.  You can find it here.

    • Once WCPSS has cleared you to sub, and you have gone through orientation, please reach out to our lead secretary, Ann Coventry (  She will help you get set up in the system to accept sub jobs here at Stough.


The Positivity Project: January 29- February 2- Forgiveness

  • The Positive Project publishes a Family Newsletter each week.  Please use this link to learn more about this week’s character trait, and find some talking points to use with your family. (Forgiveness)

Stough Magnet Elementary PTA

  • Yearbooks: 

    • You can now order your Stough yearbook! You can use the order form here, the paper copy sent home with students or go to and use the yearbook ID code 14638124.  The deadline to place your order is Friday, April 5. 

  • Cultural Arts Program: The Magic of African Rhythm

    • If your Stallion has been drumming on anything that will support a beat the past few days, ask them about the cultural arts performance this week! Stough PTA, in partnership with the United Arts Council, sponsored an exciting performance by the Magic of African Rhythm that had students moving and smiling! PTA members check your inbox for pictures and more details!

  • Tuesday, Jan. 30: PTA's Second General Membership Meeting: 

  • Thursday, Feb. 8: Stough Chinese New Year Celebration: 


Have a wonderful week!

Mrs. Jodi Lay 

Principal, Stough Magnet Elementary School