Principal's Message for 8/28/23
Welcome or Welcome Back, Stallion Families!
We are very excited to welcome our students and families to the 2023-2024 school year. We have been working hard this summer to prepare for this year, and we are ready to go! Thank you to all of our families who were able to attend our Meet the Teacher event on Friday, August 25th. The energy in the building was exactly what we hoped it would be. For those of you who were not able to attend, please don’t worry. Our teachers are prepared to receive all of our students and we are confident that your child will have a very successful first day of school.
Weekly Principal’s Message
For our new families, on Sunday afternoon around 5:00 pm, you can expect to receive your weekly Principal’s message. This message is also posted on our website under the “our school” tab. (
Updates for the Week of August 28- September 1
Monday, August 28th is the first day of school for students in Grades 1-5
Monday- Thursday is Kindergarten Staggered Entry
Friday, September 1st is Kindergarten Meet the Teacher from 11:00am- 1:00pm
Shout Outs! Thank you!
This week I would like to extend a BIG thank you to our 12-month staff members who worked so hard over the summer to prepare our building for the new school year.
Thank you to Mr. Luis, Mr. Jerry, Ms. Reina, and Mr. Alex for your custodial services. Our building looks fantastic– no more chipped paint and we now sparkle and shine!
Thank you to Ms. Brunda and Ms. Ann for all of the work with student records, schedules, budgets, supplies, etc., etc., etc,. We appreciate all that you do for our staff and our students!
Handbooks and Other Information
The WCPSS has created a parent/student handbook to communicate expectations and guidelines as well as share information about the district. You can access this handbook at Students will also receive a hard copy of this handbook on their first day of school. Families are expected to review the handbook, complete and sign the handbook form, and return the form to your child’s homeroom teacher.
We have been working hard over the summer to put together our Stough Elementary School Family Handbook. The purpose of this handbook is to identify and clarify expectations and processes that are specific to our school community. This handbook will be updated as needed, and all updates will be communicated to families via the Principal’s Weekly message. This handbook should align with the WCPSS handbook. If you find anything that does not align, please bring it to my attention so corrections can be made. Stough Family Handbook
Important things to mention (from the handbook)
Before and After School drop off/pick up locations. For safety reasons, we are changing the location of pick up/drop off for students this year. For families using before school care, please park in the bus loop and walk your child in through the bus loop doors and sign him/her into the program. For families using after school care, the same bus loop doors will be used.
We have made some changes to our expectations around Birthday Celebrations. You must communicate with your child’s teacher as he/she must approve ALL celebrations in the classroom!
To protect the instructional time of the school day, all celebrations will occur during recess or other non-instructional times. In an effort to limit the number of unhealthy snacks and treats being consumed by our students, we are asking families to consider a healthier alternative.
Consider purchasing a book for the classroom. Label the inside of the book, “Donated to (teacher’s name) class in honor of (your students name) birthday.” You can send in the wrapped book for your child to open in the classroom. The teacher will read the book to the class in celebration of your child’s birthday.
Consider sending mini bubbles. Your child’s class will be given a few minutes to go outside and celebrate with their classmates by blowing bubbles.
Consider purchasing a game for the classroom. Label the box “Donated to (teacher’s name) class in honor of (your students name) birthday.” Your child’s teacher will make time for the class to play the game in celebration of your child’s birthday.
Consider sending a birthday treat that is not loaded with sugar (pretzels, Goldfish crackers, etc.)
If you are sending food items, please be reminded that they must be commercially made and sealed in the original packaging.
You will need to check with the teacher to see if there are any “allergies” in the classroom. We ask that you bring a treat that all students can enjoy.
Carpool tags- We are asking all families to sign up for a new carpool tag this year. Tags used in previous years should be discarded. Our staff will need to see a new carpool tag in order to release your child. New carpool tags can be picked up at the front office or during Kindergarten Meet the Teacher for our kindergarten families.
Early Dismissal- Please note that we do not allow early dismissals after 3:15pm. This is the time when the front office gets very busy due to preparations for dismissal. Please honor our work during this time by scheduling early dismissals prior to 3:15pm.
Personal items- Please be reminded to tag and/or label all personal items with your child’s name. We collect a large number of items in our Lost and Found, items that we would like to return to your child/family. Please help us by labeling your child’s items.
Transportation changes- Please note that ALL changes in transportation MUST be made before 3:15pm. If you need to make a change to your child’s transportation you must call the front office at (919) 881-4950. We will notify the teacher and your child. We will not take your child’s word. We must have communication from the parent in order to make the change.
Kindergarten Families
The first day of school for students at Stough Elementary is Monday, August 28th. Students in kindergarten should follow the Kindergarten Staggered Entry Plan that was mailed home earlier this month. If you have any questions, please contact the front office.
North Carolina law requires a kindergarten health assessment before a child can enter kindergarten. This health assessment must be conducted no more than twelve months prior to the day of school entry. The Kindergarten Health Assessment Form must be completed, signed by a physician, and returned to school along with documentation of the required immunizations. All materials must be submitted to the school within thirty days following the student’s first day of school. Please contact Mr. Brunda with any questions. (
Before and After School Care Options
Stough Elementary Before School Care- Stough Elementary School hosts a before school program that is facilitated by our Stough Elementary Staff. Please contact Ms. Leonette Adkins ( if you have any questions or would like to be added to the waitlist for this program.
Alexander Family YMCA After School Care- The YMCA after school care program is located on the Stough Elementary school campus. This year the YMCA has hired some of our Stough staff members to work in collaboration with YMCA counselors in effort to provide a program that best meets the needs of our Stough community. Please contact the Alexander Family YMCA at (919) 832-9622 to learn more about this program.
Wake Harvest is also an option for those looking for after school care. Wake Harvest does provide transportation from Stough Elementary school to their program location. Please contact Wake Harvest for more information. (919) 561- 9740
Kicks- Raleigh Tae Kwon Do is also an option for after school care. Kicks does provide transportation from Stough Elementary School to their program location. Please contact Kicks at (919) 435-4258 for more information.
Programs who rent our space
Mad Science- Explore the Magical World of Chemistry. Mad Science is an 8-week after school program for kids in Grades 1-5. Register online at Triangle.MadScience.Org. Classes meet on Wednesdays from 4:00pm- 5:30pm.
Kidz Art- Kidz Art after school art classes are open to all students K-5. Classes are on Thursday from 4:00pm-5:00pm beginning on September 14th. Please contact cjiang@kidzart or (919) 710-4403 for pricing and additional information.
Have a wonderful first week of School!
Mrs. Jodi Lay
Principal, Stough Magnet Elementary School