Sanderson High School offers multiple opportunities for students to be involved in the larger Sanderson Community. Community service and involvement is a large part of the "Sanderson Way" and students are encouraged to do their part to make an impact on the community. Social clubs and teams also provide unique opportunities for students to collaborate and form meaningful relationships with their peers.
Membership and participation in all student clubs and organizations is open to all students without regard to age, race, color, religion, gender, gender identity, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, or other protected classifications.
SHS Clubs
Anime Club
Anime Club
The anime club's goal is to spread Japanese culture and anime culture to everyone! We focus on learning about anime while watching it and doing anime-related activities like games and drawing.
Meeting: Anime club meets Thursdays in Room 203
Advisor: Will Dotts (wdotts@wcpss.net) and Jenn Kirk (jmkirk@wcpss.net)
Art Club and NAHS (National Arts Honors Club)
Art Club and NAHS (National Arts Honors Club)
Do you love art and want to do more outside of the classroom? Would you like to become more involved in the community, sharing your artwork and ideas, than the NAHS/ Art club is for you!
Student lead Arts in the Community Club. We go on 2 field trips a year, and sponsor the annual student art calendar. Students lead workshops in art techniques and crafts at bi-weekly meetings after school. To be part of NAHS students must maintain an A/B average in all classes and have received an A in at least one art class at Sanderson.
Website: www.sandersonnahs.weebly.com
Meetings: Wednesdays bi-weekly, the schedule is outside room 106 on the white board.
Requirements: More information found here.
Advisor: Ms. Tucker Gravatt, room 106, atuckergravatt@wcpss.net - email if you have any questions.
Book Club
Sanderson Book Club
Student organized and led, the Sanderson Book Club targets students who love to read and broaden their scope of books. Through having thought provoking discussions about a wide variety of genres, we aim to encourage members to read independently and explore new ideas. Our club plans to meet on the third Monday of each month after school in the library. With access to Wake County kits, SHS Book Club provides copies of the month’s novel to each member.
Meetings: 3rd Monday of each month at 2:30 in the Media Center.
Join our Remind - @shs-booksAdvisors: Ms. Baucom (abaucom@wcpss.net) and Ms. Dotts (edotts@wcpss.net)
Chess Club
Chess Club
Weekly meeting where students of all levels and knowledge of Chess meet to play and learn strategies of the game. Students who are new to Chess are welcome as we have many members who are eager to teach!
Meetings: TBD
Advisor: Mrs. Brown (jkbrown@wcpss.net)
Creative Writing/Journalism Club
Creative Writing/Journalism Club
The creative writing/journalism club is designed for fiction and non-fiction writers interested in improving their craft through peer feedback and support.
Meetings: Thursdays (bi-weekly) Room 215
Advisor: Ms. Russo (jrusso@wcpss.net)
DECA (Distributive Education Clubs of America)
DECA is a co-curricular club that prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs for careers in marketing, finance, hospitality and management in high schools and colleges around the globe. Programs include service, leadership, competition, and community building. Students interested in our mission should consider involvement.
Students should have completed one business, marketing, or career course in middle or high school.
Meetings: Please see our calendar for meetings and events.
Website: https://sites.google.com/view/sandersondeca/home
Follow us on Instagram @sandersondeca
Advisor: Ms. Ward (lrward@wcpss.net)
Drama Club
Drama Club
Drama club is open to any student wishing to participate and support the Sanderson Theatre Program. It includes all members of ITS as well as students working toward ITS membership.
Open to all students 9-12
Meetings: Meets once monthly during the fall because when the spring musical starts all the theatre kids are together all the time.
Website: https://shstheatreensemble.weebly.com/
Advisor: Mr. Parks (jparks1@wcpss.net)
Empowerment Club
Empowerment Club
Empowerment Club is for anyone who feels they need a boost in confidence or want to help empower other students at Sanderson. We do activities to keep our confidence high and empower others because when you feel good you have the power to make others feel good too!Instagram: shsempowermentclubAdvisor: Ms. Martin (lmmartin@wcpss.net) -
Environmental Awareness Club
Environmental Awareness Club
The EAC is a place for students to discuss current environmental issues and work to make our campus more sustainable. Some of our activities include a twice-yearly stream clean up through the Adopt-A-Stream program, campus cleanups, and discussions of current environmental topics.Anyone can join anytime!Remind Code: shseacMeetings: In room 232, announced via RemindAdvisor: Ms. Herlacher, aherlacher@wcpss.net -
Equity Team
Equity Team
The central mission and purpose of the Student Equity Team is to promote equality and an environment inclusive of all students regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, and socioeconomic status. We strive to support teachers, students, and the community. Sanderson’s Student Equity Team is an organization that works closely with the Staff Equity Team.
Students interested in being a member of the organization are encouraged to contact Mr. Brown (Assistant Principal) at tbrown15@wcpss.net.
There are a limited number of slots open; students must interview and secure recommendations from teachers.
Family Career Community Leaders of America (FCCLA)
Family Career Community Leaders of America (FCCLA)
FCCLA is one of the largest career technical student organizations in the US. Students participate in community service as well as state and national leadership events. Students have the opportunity to compete with projects at the state and national level.
Students must have taken or be currently enrolled in a family and consumer science course.
Website: fcclainc.org
Meetings: 3rd Thursday of each month. Room 123 at 2:30 pm
Advisors: Mrs. A Taylor (ataylor1@wcpss.net), Ms. McKenzie (kamckenzie@wcpss.net), Ms. Christmas (pchristmas@wcpss.net) , Ms. Williams (kwilliams4@wcpss.net), Ms. McCall (jmccall@wcpss.net)
Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA)
Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA)
Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) is a group that welcomes all students and faculty to gather to learn more about Jesus Christ of the Bible.
Some things we've done in the past include prayer walks, Mudcats Faith and Family night, Worship at the Flagpole, a Christmas gift exchange party, potlucks, game nights, bowling, serving and praying for those going through difficult times, celebrating and praying for those going through exciting times, and more.
Meetings: Meetings: We meet every Friday from 6:50-7:20am in the main gym to eat breakfast, fellowship, play games, and listen to and engage with encouraging speakers of God's Word. When able, we also meet at other times for socials, service opportunities, and Bible Studies. Anyone can join!
Anyone can join!
Follow us on Instagram @sandersonfca
Advisor: Coach Laughlin - e-mail mlaughlin@wcpss.net with questions.
Future Farmers of America Sanderson Chapter (FFA)
Future Farmers of America Sanderson Chapter (FFA)
FFA is Sanderson’s newest CTSO (Career and Technical Student Organization). FFA is a national organization of Agricultural Education students. FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education. Some opportunities that are available for FFA members include:
- Career and Leadership Development Events: FFA members earn recognition by utilizing their classroom and laboratory knowledge in the team and individual competitions.
- Degree Programs: FFA members advance in the organization by meeting rigorous standards to obtain degrees.
- Leadership Conferences and Conventions: FFA conducts events throughout the year that promote premier leadership, personal growth, and career success.
- Service Activities: Students are engaged in numerous projects and activities to serve communities throughout North Carolina.
All students enrolled in an Agriculture course during the school year are eligible to join Sanderson’s FFA. WCPSS CTE covers FFA Membership dues for all enrolled Agriculture students.
Requirements to join: Must be enrolled in an Agriculture course at any point during the year can join. You must be enrolled in an agriculture course to remain an active member.
Meetings: TBD (contact Ms. Kwiatek)
Advisor: Ms. Kwiatek (pkwiatek@wcpss.net)
Gardening Club
Gardening Club
The Gardening Club is a relaxed club for anyone interested in gardening, beautifying the school, or fighting food insecurity at Sanderson. Our goal is to establish and maintain gardens on campus and donate our harvest to local food banks or families in our school community. We will build garden beds and plant fruits, vegetables, and flowers during the fall and spring seasons. No experience is required. We will meet twice a month on Tuesdays.
If interested, please complete this Google form: Interest Form
Meetings: Once a month on Tuesdays or Thursdays
Advisor: Ms. Kwiatek (pkwiatek@wcpss.net)
German Club
German Club
Join us for games (board games), movies, and help with German.
Meetings: Once a month (email advisor for more information)
Advisor: Mr. Wachter (jwachter@wcpss.net)
HOSA- Future Health Professionals
HOSA- Future Health Professionals
HOSA is Career and Technical Education Organization that is supported through the content of the Health Sciences Curriculum at SHS. HOSA’s mission is to empower HOSA-Future Health Professionals to become leaders in the global health community, through education, collaboration, and experience. HOSA actively promotes career opportunities in the health industry and to enhance the delivery of quality health care to all people. HOSA’s goal is to encourage all health science instructors and students to affiliate and be actively involved in the HSE-HOSA Partnership. However, you do not need to be in a current health science course to be involved and join.
Requirements to join: Students should have an interest in a healthcare career and to understand that there are meeting attendance and service activity requirements.
Website: https://nchosa.org/
Newsletter: click here to read
Newsletter Email List Sign-up: bit.ly/shshosanewsletter
Advisor: Ms. Stewart (amstewart@wcpss.net)
IGNITE: A Division of the Equity Club
IGNITE: A Division of the Equity Club
Sanderson's Equity Club has been selected to participate in a year long project called IGNITE. Student leaders and advisors had two days of summer training. As a result, we identified a yearlong project for equity improvement. We will be working to diversify popular Sanderson organizations: Academy of Finance, DECA and Student Council. We will look to overcome barriers such as information to the middle schools in the spring, required career wear and membership fees. Active members who participate in at least 75% of our meetings and events will be invited to a field trip to The International Civil Rights Center & Museum in Greensboro during March. Results of our project will be shared at a McKimmon Center presentation in May with our families.
Meetings: 2nd Thurs 2:30 in room 107
Advisor: Ms. Edward (dedward@wcpss.net)
Image Club
IMAGE Club (Impacting Males to Achieve Greater Excellence)
IMAGE= Impacting Males to Achieve Greater Excellence is an organization targeting underrepresented minority male students with the goal of providing individual and group mentoring, academic guidance and support, post-secondary education planning, civic and cultural appreciation through various in and out of school activities.To be considered: 10th - 12th grade minority male, recommended or identified by teacher/staff member, submit application, interview and selection process.Meetings: TBDAdvisor: Ms. Claiborne - tclaiborne@wcpss.net
International Club
International Club
International Club is a student organization that embraces and highlights the cultural diversity found at Sanderson. We have monthly meetings to share and discuss cultural topics like food, music, dance, and customs. In the Spring, the club coordinates and organizes an all-day International Festival for the student body to enjoy!
Meetings: TBD
Advisors: Ms. Auld (fauld@wcpss.net) and Ms. Burton (smburton@wcpss.net)
JROTC Color Guard
JROTC Color Guard
The Color Guard is a JROTC Leadership Development Requirement (LDR) in which cadets learn how to present the Colors at a large variety of public events, from sporting events to luncheons and Veterans’ ceremonies.
Requirements to join: Must be at least JROTC I cadet.
Meetings: Thursdays, Room 195
Advisor: Lt Col Richard Smith (rsmith28@wcpss.net) and MSgt Tyneka Howard (tlhoward@wcpss.net)
JROTC Marksmanship Team
JROTC Marksmanship Team
Marksmanship is a JROTC Leadership Development Requirement (LDR) activity where cadets can receive training in marksmanship and the safe handling of an air rifle. Participation is optional and at the discretion of the school administration. Competitions are held to promote training, good sportsmanship, and a high standard of performance in the safe use of an air rifle.
Requirements to join: Must be a JROTC II cadet.
Meetings: Wednesdays at the Wake County Shine Club
Advisor: MSgt Tyneka Howard (tlhoward@wcpss.net)
JROTC Model Rocketry Club
JROTC Model Rocketry Club
Model Rocketry is a JROTC Leadership Development Requirement where cadets learn how to build and launch model rockets. Also learn the academics behind rockets. Typically, there will be at least one launch each semester (weather dependent).
Requirements to join: Must be a JROTC I cadet
Meetings: 1st and 3rd Thursdays, Room 195
Advisor: MSgt Tyneka Howard (tlhoward@wcpss.net) and Lt Col Richard Smith (rsmith28@wcpss.net)
Key Club
Key Club
Key Club is a service organization that does community service around the school and Raleigh area. We work closely with Kiwanis Club of North Raleigh in cleaning up parks, sending letters to children, and helping feeder elementary schools. Around school we clean up the park, post words of kindness, and hide nice messages in library books for people to find. In the past, our organization worked closely with Food Ark and we are one of the largest clubs in the school. We expect each member to get 50 hours of service and come to all meetings.Meetings: Tuesday mornings every 2 weeks in Room 111 and Media Center after school on the 2nd Tuesday of the month
Website: https://sites.google.com/students.wcpss.net/sandersonkeyclub/home
Follow us on Instagram: @sandersonhighkeyclub
Advisor: Ms. Brackfield (scopeland2@wcpss.net)
Latinos Unidos
Latinos Unidos
Latinos Unidos was formed to create a community for those who identify within the Latine diaspora, including those who are indigenous to the United States, Canada, and the traditionally Spanish speaking countries of the Americas. Advocates and allies are also welcome, regardless of identity. Opportunities for leadership experience are available!
Meetings: TBD
The PALS organization is dedicated to fostering socialization skills among Special Needs students at Sanderson. PALS volunteers generously donate their time to engage in social interactions, share meals, and participate in games with these students. This initiative provides a valuable opportunity for the students to develop as individuals and enhance their independence.
We meet every day in 119E and 124 E during all lunch periods. Some of the events associated with PALS are: Special Olympics, Unified Track, Field of Dreams, NC State Field day, NC State Fair, Halloween Party, Polar Plunge, Walk for Autism, and Spread the Word to End the Word.
Advisor: Ms. Patrick - cpatrick@wcpss.net
Photography Club
Photography Club
The photography club is an opportunity for like-minded shutterbugs to meet and discuss tips, tricks, and experiences. During meetings, students select a theme, review photo submissions made by members, and discuss a variety of photography-related topics. Winning photos are featured on the club's Instagram!
*Note - members do NOT need a professional camera to join. Phone cameras are sufficient.
Meetings: Room 223, times will be discussed at the first meeting and posted on the bulletin board across the hallway from room 222.
Advisor: Ms. Kerley (lkerley@wcpss.net)
Queer Straight Alliance (QSA)
Queer Straight Alliance (QSA)
The QSA serves as a support group for LGBT+ students and their allies. The group is dedicated to educating others about LGBT+ issues, myths, and misconceptions.
Anyone is welcome whether they are LGBT+ or an ally!
Meetings: In room 232, announced via remind
Remind Code: shsqsaAdvisor: Ms. Herlacher (aherlacher@wcpss.net)
Robotics Team
Robotics Team
The Sanderson Robotic team designs, builds, and program robots to compete in Vex Robotic competitions.
Meetings: Tuesdays and Thursday - Room 196
More Info: https://wcpss.instructure.com/courses/712348
Advisor: Mr. Casstevens (rcasstevens@wcpss.net)
Science Olympiad
Science Olympiad
The NCSO is the largest K-12 STEM competition in North Carolina. Our team of students meets weekly to prepare for the tournament in February. Students and coaches work together to determine which events are the best match for each student. Types of events include core knowledge events, build events, laboratory/hands-on events, and hybrid events. All students interested in science, technology, engineering, or math should consider joining.
Meetings: In room 232, announced via remind - Remind Code: 552so
Website: https://sites.google.com/site/herlacherscience/clubs-organizations/science-olympiad
Lead Coach: Ms. Herlacher, aherlacher@wcpss.net
Assistant Coach: Mr. Hood, ehood2@wcpss.net
Sign Language Club
Sign Language Club
We are a student-led club that focuses on learning new and relevant ways to communicate through ASL.
If you're interested in having fun and learning ASL (American Sign Language), we would love to have you join.
Meetings: 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month from 2:18-3:15 Room 217
Advisor: Mr. Boltz (bboltz@wcpss.net)
Step Team - Alpha Omega
Step Team - Alpha Omega
Sanderson's Step Team started in 2011 by current Coach Travis Wilson. Step is a form of dance that uses the whole body and chants to make beats and rhythmic sounds. The Team is the current Female State Step Champions. The team Host two large competitions here at Sanderson each year. One in November and the other in February.
All students are welcome to join the Step Team (any grade, male or female, no experience needed).
Practice: Monday-Thursday 2:45pm - 5:30pm
Instagram: @alpha_omega_shs
Advisor: Coach Wilson (twilson5@wcpss.net)
Student Ambassadors
Student Ambassadors
The Student Ambassador program is a group created to foster good will with our newcomer students from the US and abroad. Ambassadors make sure these students feel welcome and comfortable at Sanderson. They give orientations, do meet and greets on a new student's first day, and escort new students to their classes. For new Multilingual students, bilingual ambassadors will escort them to their classes.
Requirements to join: Warm and welcoming personality, teacher recommendation, multilingual (helpful but not required)
Meetings: TBD (Contact club advisor for more information)
Advisor: Ms. Auld (fauld@wcpss.net)
Student Council
Student Council
The purpose of Student Council at Sanderson High School is to develop and practice good citizenship in the student body, to provide direction of school activities, and assist in the management of student concerns. There are 7 members on Executive Council who are elected by the student body. Each grade level has a Class Council of approximately 30 members who are elected by their peers in that grade. Student Council members are involved with events such as new student orientation, homecoming, the food drive, Holly Days, campus beautification, prom, and more!
Requirements to join: Students must run each year to join student council. To be eligible to run for Class Council, students must have at least a 1.5 cumulative GPA. To run for Executive Council, students must have served at least one year on Class Council. The Student Body President of Executive Council must be a senior.
Website: https://sites.google.com/wcpss.net/stucoshs
Executive Council: Ms. Chiott (ochiott@wcpss.net)
12th Grade: Ms. Wilson (srhodes1@wcpss.net) and Ms. Seton-Harris (asetonharris@wcpss.net)
11th Grade: Ms. Brackfield (scopeland2@wcpss.net) and Ms. Kerley (lkerley@wcpss.net)
10th Grade: Ms. Ward (lrward@wcpss.net and Nicole Keane (nkeane2@wcpss.net)
9th Grade: Ms. Martin (lmmartin@wcpss.net)
Follow us on Instagram @sandersonstudents and Twitter @SHSStudentCoun3
Check out our website https://sites.google.com/wcpss.net/stucoshs
Table Tennis Club
Students can bring snack, paddle and ball. The objective of the club is to introduce a fun game to new players, practice positive sportsmanship and have fun play in the school setting.
Permission Form must be completed and returned.
Remind code: @pinqponq (those are Q's not G's)
Meetings: Wednesdays in room 107 until 3:30
Advisors: Ms. Deborah Edward (dedward@wcpss.net) & Mr. Joey Risso (jrisso@wcpss.net)
WISE (Women Inspiring Success in Each Other)
WISE Women Inspiring Success in Each other is an organization targeting underrepresented minority female students with the goal of providing mentoring, personal/social/academic guidance and support, civic consciousness with a focus on service/volunteering and cultural awareness/appreciation.
Requirement to join: Must be 10th -12th grade, teacher recommendation, application, interview & selection
Meetings: 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month
Advisors: Ms. Claiborne (tclaiborne@wcpss.net), Ms. Jennings (rjennings@wpcss.net), and Coach Dee (djohnson4@wcpss.net)
Wrestling Club
Sanderson Wrestling Club
This club meets year round, teaching the sport of wrestling and traveling to off-season tournaments. Learn all about Olympic lifts, increase cardio and push to progress in the sport together as a team. This is where the work begins to earn the All State Title!
Meetings: Every Thursday 7:30pm - 9:00pm Hometown Martial Arts 240 Newton Rd #109, Raleigh, NC 27615
Taylor Reuss (treuss@wcpss.net)