26 Credits total needed:
English: 4 credits
- English I
- English 2
- English 3
- English 4
Math: 4 credits
- Math I
- Math 2
- Math 3
- A 4th Math
Science: 3 credits
- Earth/Environmental
- Biology
- A Physical Science (Physical Science, Chemistry, or Physics)
Social Studies: 4 credits
- Students who entered 9th grade in 2020-21: World History, an American History course, A Founding Principles course (either Civics & Economics or Civic Literacy), Economics and Personal Finance
- Students who entered 9th grade in 2021-22: World History, Civic Literacy, American History, Economics & Personal Finance
Healthful Living: 1 credit
Elective credits: 10 credits
- CTE classes
- Visual/Permorming arts
- Foreign Languages
- Gym electives
- English, Science and Social studies electives
Foreign Language:
No foreign language is required to graduate high school but 2 levels are needed if planning on attending a 4-year college/university.