• Welcome Back Junior Students!

    At the end of your 11th grade year, to be promoted to 12th Grade, students must have:

    • 18 credits

    • 1 credit of English III

    • Must be able to be scheduled in a way to successfully complete graduation requirements


    Tips for 11th grade year

    • Begin making accounts for helpful websites such as CFNC and Collegeboard.
    • Start planning for SAT/ACT. See your counselor for fee waivers if necessary. The ACT will be administered to all Juniors on March 1st, 2022.
    • Begin looking at schools and narrowing down your options based off majors, admission requirements, size, location, etc.
    • Search individual college websites for open house dates and college tours/fairs.
    • Join clubs and participate in service opportunities. Find ways in which you can be a leader.
    • Think of trusted adults who could write a letter of recommendation for you
    • Make college visits.
  • PSAT

  • Boys' State

  • Girls' State

  • Governor's School