The Physical Education program at Hunter GT / AIG Magnet Elementaryis taught through electives and
specials classes. Every student will have physical education as a special (classes that ALL students are assigned to take with their homeroom classes) throughout the year. In addition, students can choose to take physical education electives (classes that students choose during elective registration) throughout the year.
- "Specials" classes focus on overall knowledge of healthy activities, movements, games, and social interaction.
- "Electives" range from a choice of topics such as team sports and international games, to specific subjects like gymnastics, cup stacking, parkour, and track. Electives meet four times a week and often include field trips to enhance the learning experience. An equitable process during elective registration allows student priorities to be considered while filling the seats in each class, but also uses seniority (5th grade registers before 4th grade, then ABC order by teacher for fall registration and backwards ABC order by teacher in the spring registration).
The Physical Education program also has quarterly whole school activities for all students.- Fall - Hunter Olympics - Each grade level comes down to the track for a competition between classes in a variety of individual and team events. This is also used to help choose the track team.
- Winter - Dance In - The Physical Education department teams with the dance teacher to teach each grade level a number of dances in the gym.
Spring - Jump In/Healthy Hunter - Teaming up with Jump Rope for Heart, each grade level comes to the gym for 40 minutes of jumping rope.
- End of the year - Field Day - Each class rotates through a variety of stations as we cap off a fantastic school year.
In addition, our PE department offers:
- Walking Club is a yearlong opportunity for our Hunter STARS (and families) to build relationships and get healthy! Monday and Friday mornings from 8:30-9:00 am, students walk around the track while the coaches play some super fun walking music over the loud speaker!
- Flag Football and Basketball are offered to 4th and 5th grade students for morning fun as well (coaches will inform students of this schedule).
Hunter TrackThe Hunter Eagle Track Team is an elective course for 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders and is offered during 2nd and 3rd quarters. Students train and learn the basics of track and field and participate in a variety of activities both in and out of school. They also teach the importance of sportsmanship and being a team player. The elective culminates with an eight-school track meet (for 3rd, 4th and 5th grade) held at Meredith College's track!
All students may have the opportunity to take track beginning in the 2nd quarter. As with all electives, students register through an equitable process, and based on available seats, students may be assigned to their other choices.While all students in the track elective will participate in a school-wide track meet, some students are given the opportunity to showcase their gifts during the 3rd quarter in the WCPSS Magnet Track Meet.To recognize the gifts and talents of our track students, opportunities are provided for all students to showcase their passions during specials and the Hunter Olympics. The events will include 100m, 200m, 400m, relays, broad jump, long jump, and softball throw. Excitement FILLS the air during these high-energy experiences.