Hunter GT / AIG Magnet PTA is a dedicated group of volunteers committed to supporting all Hunter students and staff. We host regular community and teacher appreciation events, provide mini-grants for teacher professional development and curriculum enhancement, and continue to be committed to advocacy work.The PTA, or Parent-Teacher Association, is the oldest non-profit education advocacy organization in the United States. The PTA advocates for all school-aged children, their teachers, and their learning environment. Local chapters of the PTA focus specifically on advocating for, supporting, and providing programs for their local schools. Hunter has one of the largest PTA memberships in Wake County, with one of the highest parent and teacher involvement percentages. This means better resources for our students and staff and a more prominent voice within our community for advocacy. Hunter’s PTA is composed of the Board of Directors, Committee Chairs, committee members, and members at large. There is no role too small to play in our PTA. Joining at the beginning of the year allows you to help support our mission to support students, and teachers, and to connect families. Like your Hunter star, there is a place for everyone in our PTA based on your gifts and talents!
We sincerely invite you to join us in support of our students.
PTA Calendar of Events
Families should also check their Monday Folder, emails, and the website calendar for upcoming events.
Donations to Hunter PTA
Donating to Hunter is easy. Just click on the Paypal link on the home page to donate safely and securely.Hunter PTA Financial Forms
Hunter PTA Return Check Policy
PTA Membership
Memberhub is our online PTA directory and source for information from your PTA committees and room parents. Click the link below to link to the Memberhub website. To sign up, email our PTA President with your full name, your child's name, grade, and classroom, and a cell number if you would like occasional text alerts.
Member Hub Enrollment Form
Connect with Hunter PTA on Facebook