February 20, 2024

Posted by Joyce Deaton on 2/20/2024 8:00:00 AM


Interim reports will be available in the PS Parent Portal by March 1st.  If you have questions about your child’s progress in a specific course, please contact the teacher.  If you have any general questions about your child’s progress, please reach out to their counselor.   


ACT/ACT WorkKeys 

The ACT will be administered to all juniors on February 27, 2024.  Registration is not required. If students have an ACT-approved graphing calculator, they may bring it with them, though all math problems can be solved without a calculator, and the online test has an embedded calculator.  Additionally, select Seniors at Wakefield who are required to take the ACT WorkKeys Assessment  will test on February 27, 2024.  NCDPI requires that all students who are CTE Concentrators take the WorkKeys assessments their Senior year.  Seniors who achieved the highest ACT WorkKeys scores achieved higher college GPAs in their first year and were twice as likely to achieve a GPA of 3.0 or higher in their programs.  Prep sessions for WorkKeys will take place during PACK time.  Please reach out to Amy Russell (arrussell@wcpss.net) with any questions. 


ACT Review / Saturday Academy

We will be offering an ACT review this Saturday, February 24th. Students can sign up through AllTimely beginning Tuesday afternoon of this week. Pre-registration is not required, students will be accommodated until review sessions are at capacity. Registration does guarantee your student a seat, provided they sign in no later than 9:15.

Students are welcome to attend Saturday Academy from 9-Noon in addition to the structured review to make up time for excessive unexcused absences (11 or more in any class), receive assistance on academic work and have access to school resources in a low distraction environment. There will be teachers present to support student learning/progress. Due to an anticipated higher number of students attending than usual, doors will be open for students to begin to sign in at 8:40.

When arriving, students should report to the main lobby to check in with administration. We ask that students come prepared with a device and charger for the device as we have a limited number of loaners available. For students who need a calculator, we ask that they bring those with them as well or be prepared to use Desmos. Please reach out to Ms. Acrey by email with any additional questions at hacrey@wcpss.net.


Course Registration for 24-25 School Year

Registration for the next school year will begin Feb 28-March 22. Details will be shared soon via the school website and communication home.  We look forward to assisting your students in meeting their academic needs and goals.  


PTSA Sign-Ups

Our PTSA will be hosting a Soup Luncheon on Thursday 22nd to thank all the staff and teachers who have become part of the PTSA.  Please sign up here if you would like to provide a soup or chili for the luncheon:  https://www.signupgenius.com/go/508044DAFAD23AB9-whsptsa#/

Also, please consider donating to our food pantry. Our PTSA provides food every weekend to children who are identified as food insecure by teachers and guidance counselors. Please see the following link if you would like to sign up to contribute:  https://www.signupgenius.com/go/508044DAFAD23AB9-44698507-whsfood#/