January 8, 2024

Posted by Joyce Deaton on 1/8/2024 7:00:00 AM

EOC Review

Mark your calendars for our January, Saturday Academy dates. These opportunities are open to all students. January 6th, 13th and 20th are great opportunities for students to get prepared for final exams, which begin on Friday, January 12th.  On January 13th and 20th, students in EOC courses can participate in subject specific reviews. English II, Math I, Math III and Biology all have state EOC's. Students who are not proficient (80%) will be required to re-test at the end of the school year. Students will be able to register for these reviews in AllTimely the week of each offering.



Parents when your child is absent from school, please provide a note within two days of  your child’s return from the absence so it is considered excused. If a child is out of school four consecutive days or more they will need a note with third party documentation for the note to be excused.  Parent notes not received within two days of a child’s return to school will also require third party documentation to excuse the absence. Parents remember, if your child receives over 10 unexcused absences they will get an FF on their report card instead of a grade for failure to attend school. 


Spring 2023 Early Release Passes

Students who have been approved for early release or CCP classes for the Spring 2024 semester need to see Mr. Lee in the main office to have a pass issued. Passes will be issued before school, during lunch, or after school. An early release pass is required for students to leave campus earlier than the regular dismissal time. 


Preparation for Final Exams

Students are strongly encouraged to bring their school-issued Chromebook to each of their exams. School-issued devices are mandatory for all state exams. Any students without a working WCPSS issued device who are taking State exams such as EOC’s or CTE tests are to report to the media center between 7:00 and 7:30 to check out a device on the morning of their exams. These devices will need to be returned to the media center once that day’s exam is finished.


Schedule Changes

Students may request a schedule change beginning December 20-January 10. The form will be located on the school website and can be accessed at https://tinyurl.com/whs2324schedule.  In order for a change to be considered, it must meet one of the reasons listed on the Schedule Change Form. You may not drop Advanced Placement courses, per the AP Contract students and parents signed during registration. Students are required to use their student email to access the document. Counselors will not consider requests via email or phone. 


Final Exams

Final exams start January 12th and end on Tuesday January 23rd. Students taking State Exams, ie- EOC and CTE test will not be allowed to check out while exams are in progress. Please review the exam schedule on the Wakefield High School banner page to make proper arrangements.



Our booster club is collecting orders for the next installation of the bricks at the stadium entrance. Prices range from $100 to $250 depending upon the size of the brick and inscription. Bricks are a great way to commemorate a student, teacher, coach or team and become a permanent part of our school. The deadline to order for this school year is January 12th and bricks will be installed in February in time for Spring sports. 100% of the proceeds go to support Wakefield athletics and ordering instructions can be found out on the school website.