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June 23, 2015

Final School Message for 2014-2105 School Year: Wednesday, June 23, 2015

This is Tripp Crayton, Principal at Wakefield High School, with a couple of announcements.  Report cards were mailed home on June 15th.  If you have not received your child's report card, please contact our front office to see if we have your correct address.
Malik Bazzell was appointed principal at Wakefield High School last week with an effective date of July 1st.  Mr. Bazzell currently is principal at East Wake School of Integrated Technology. Mr. Bazzell will do an excellent job at the W, working along side our great faculty, staff, students, and parents which all help make Wakefield High School a great school.  As a result of this appointment, my last day at Wakefield will be June 30th.  It has been an honor serving as your principal, and I wish each and every student much success.
Remember it truly is always about the W!  Goodbye.