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April 5, 2015

April 5, 2015

This is Tripp Crayton, Principal at Wakefield High School, with your weekly announcement.
School fine notices were handed out to students this week during their 2nd period class. Be sure to check with your student to see if he/she received a notice indicating lost/overdue items or fines. All fines and fees should be paid, and all lost or late items should be returned as quickly as possible. Students will not be allowed to participate in extracurricular activities, including graduation, or receive parking and off campus lunch passes with anything outstanding on their accounts.
Wake Technical Community College's annual Open House is an opportunity to learn more about curriculum programs, tour the campus, and attend information sessions to help with the transition to college. Students can also gain information about Wake Tech's financial aid, athletics, clubs, and organizations. The open house on Wake Tech’s main campus is scheduled for April 11th, and April 25th on the Northern Wake Campus. The event is open to high school students in any grade level. For more information and to register, go to
The annual Wakefield HS Plant Sale is Thursday, April 9th-Monday, April 13th from 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Come to the Wakefield Greenhouse, and see what the students have been growing. Go to for more information.
The remaining portion of this message is for seniors and their parents:
Senior cap and gown pictures will take place tomorrow, Monday, April 6 2015, in the small gym. Seniors should have received appointment times directly from Lifetouch.
Jostens will be on campus again on Thursday, April 16th to deliver cap and gown units as well as senior products. All items must be paid for in full before students can receive their products. Online payments must be made 24 hours prior to the delivery date. Cash or money order only will be accepted on the delivery date. If you need to place an order, visit
The deadline to apply for the 7 PTSA Scholarships is tomorrow, Monday, April 6, 2015. A student can apply for any scholarship that they feel they are eligible for, but can only win one scholarship. Both the student and at least one parent/guardian must be a PTSA member by Tuesday, March 31, 2015.
Remember it’s all about the W! Enjoy the rest of your day, and let’s have an amazing week. Goodbye.