Principal Message (3/17/24)
Kudos Gators!
This weekend, we hosted the “Green Level Indoor Season Showcase”, better known as GLISS! We invited 67 groups from all over the state to showcase their Percussion Ensembles and Winter Guards. Big thanks to all the students and parents who volunteered their time to make this such a successful event! In addition to GLISS,
Men's LAX
GLHS Men's Lacrosse “Crosse Out Cancer" hosted a very successful event at Durham Memorial Stadium! Check out social media for more on both of these events!
Also, congratulations to our Chorus Department & Director Lee Ann Faust: Tenor Bass & Bella Voce earned straight Superiors on stage and in sight-reading at the NC Music Educators Music Performance Adjudication this week. We are so proud of our Singing Gators!
Events this Week
Monday, March 18
Seniors: All Senior classes will meet in the main gym during Advisory for the distribution of caps, gowns, and other purchases from Jostens. Please make sure to hang up your gown to get out the creases before graduation. All items must be paid for in full before students can receive their products. Online payments must be made 48 hours prior to the delivery date. Cash or money orders only will be accepted on the delivery date. If you still need to place an order, please go to
Fine Arts Booster (FAB) Meeting: We need help more than ever to advance our work for next year in the Fine Arts! Please consider joining us for our next Board meeting @ 6 pm in the Chorus Room. Email if you would like to participate, but need a virtual option for attendance.
Drivers Education Info: Each school has its date and time to register. Families will only be able to register starting on the assigned date and time for their school. Find dates and times. Individual summer class dates and times will be released by March 18 at This notice will be in Wednesday's community message, but please send reminders to your families. More information, check out WCPSS link HERE!
Tuesday, March 19:
NC State University at Raleigh: Any junior or senior interested in learning more about NC State University at Raleigh, please sign up in AllTimely to meet with a representative during Connectivity.
Varsity Softball and Varsity Baseball vs. Cary at 4:00 pm
JV/Varsity Men's Lax vs. Green Hope at 6:30 pm
One Man Show Performance (Theatre) at 7:00 pm: Green Level Theatre presents, “Enduring Passion and Falling from Pride!” This is a one man show that was written, directed, technical directed, and stars the one and only, Em Ockert. Em was recently awarded the Elizabeth Grimes Droessler Scholarship for their contribution to Fine Arts in WCPSS. Tickets to this event are FREE, but limited. Visit on Insta for QR code to reserve your seat.
Wednesday, March 20:
University of Connecticut: Any junior or senior interested in learning more about University of Connecticut, please sign up in AllTimely to meet with a representative during Connectivity.
JV/Varsity Men's Lax and Varsity Women's Lax vs. Athens Drive (M) at 5:00 PM
Winter Athletics Banquet at 6:00 pm
Senior Class Yard Signs: Class of 2024 Senior Signs will be available for in-person distribution in front of the school from 6:15-7:00 pm. Additional option to purchase anytime from HERE and pick up in the front office during school hours.
Thursday, March 21:
Senior Scholarship Deadline Extended! The Green Level High School PTSA will award two $500 scholarships to GLHS seniors who demonstrate the core values of NCPTA in our school community. You do not have to be college-bound to apply. The application deadline has been extended to Thursday, March 21. Completed applications should be turned in to Student Services. The application is linked HERE or paper copies are available in Student Services!
Friday, March 22:
JV/Varsity Men's Lax @ Middle Creek at 6:30 pm
SUN Bucks Program
North Carolina is running the SUN Bucks program (also known as Summer EBT) for the first time in 2024. SUN Bucks will provide grocery-buying benefits to qualifying families with school-aged children during the summer months when schools are on summer break. Student enrollment data collected and recorded at the local level for schools participating in the National School Lunch Program will help determine whether a child is eligible, and where their SUN Bucks benefits card will be sent. WCPSS families should confirm by March 28 that the mailing address on file with your school is up-to-date with the best address for the summer months. Contact: Michael Pesce (
Rising Senior Parent Meeting
Juniors and parents of juniors, please join us on Monday, April 11 from 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM in the Green Level auditorium! We will be discussing senior year and post-secondary planning! If you would like information about planning for college, the workforce, or the military, please join our session. We look forward to seeing you!
Prom Tickets
Mark your calendars! On April 27 from 7-11 pm, step back into the glitz and glamor of the roaring twenties at our Great Gatsby themed prom. Juniors and Seniors may purchase their tickets via Go Fan. Students must not owe materials or parking fines in order to purchase a ticket. Please contact April Mack or Jeremy Hodges with any questions.
National Honor Society Application Window
The application window for National Honor Society has opened. Students who would like to apply must attend one of the eight information sessions (see AllTimely) remaining in March and April during Connectivity. Applications are due on May 3. If you have any questions, email Ms. Singh at
School Cash Online
Beginning July 1, 2024, SchoolCash Online (SCO) will be the district’s preferred online payment system, allowing parents to pay for student fees and all other items except Before/After School Care, Drivers Education, and game tickets. The new system will save time for teachers and staff when planning, processing, and handling payments. Please encourage your parents to start registering through the SchoolCash Online website.
Junior Parents:
Now is your chance to make memories for your seniors! We need 4 parents to assist with the Senior Activities Committee for the Class of 2025. Please email us at to lead planning of next year's Senior activities from the PTSA.
Stock the Swamp!
Get AP Test Ready!
Take advantage of our partnership with The Princeton Review and get ready for exam season. All events are virtual and free to Green Level families. Register for events with a non-WCPSS email account.
President's Volunteer Service Award:
GLHS PTSA is now an official certifying organization for The President's Volunteer Service Award! If your student is an avid volunteer, please take time to review the guidelines to apply for this distinguished award. The application deadline for the 23/24 school year is April 1
Seeking Volunteers for 2024/25 School Year!
The GLHS PTSA is seeking volunteers for the upcoming school year. Want to get involved, be more informed, and meet a great community of people? The PTSA is the parent organization for you! For more information on board positions, click HERE! Email the nominating committee at to get involved!
Get Your Gator Gear!
GLHS spirit wear is always available online HERE for quick and easy pick up in the front office.
FAB Updates
Auditorium Chair Plaques
- Order Now through March 31st!
- Pick your best seat - Order today! $100 inaugural year price saves a seat & leaves a lasting legacy supporting the Fine Arts at GLHS.
- Orders placed by March 31st will be installed by May 3rd for spring performances.