Senior Information

  • Senior Advisory Meetings:

    Seniors will meet as a group on the following dates during Advisory in the auditorium. The objective of these sessions is to provide seniors with important information about colleges, graduation, prom, senior muffin day, and senior events. 

    • August 28
    • September 3
    • November 4
    • February 3
    • March 10
    • April 21
    • May 19
    • June 2

    New Immunization Requirement:

    ​North Carolina law now requires all rising 12th graders to receive a meningococcal vaccine booster before starting 12th grade. The vaccination must be done before the 23-24 school year begins. Parents will need to provide a copy of their child’s immunization record showing proof that the meningococcal vaccine has been completed prior to the first day of school. This is a 2-dose immunization; the 1st dose was required in the 7th grade in Wake County schools. Please send your immunization updates to or   Fax: 919-589-6734 Attention- Records.....More information is located HERE