Banned Books Week 2019

Banned Books Week @KnightdaleHS
Staff... wear your literacy shirts OR advocacy shirts and jeans ALL week!!
#KeepTheLightOn #BannedBooksWeek
Tag @KnightdaleHS #khsallin
Banned Books Week is all about protecting your right to read what you choose. Get involved!
- Guess the shredded book in the LC
- Send a postcard or letter to one of your favorite banned authors
- Attend the Banned Books Poetry Slam in the LC during C Lunch on Friday (see a teacher or librarian for a pass)
- Read, read, read - exercise your right!
Monday 9/23
- Tag a "dangerous" author in a supportive Tweet... List of commonly banned authors' Twitter Handles #KeepTheLightOn #BannedBooksWeek @KnightdaleHS #khsallin
- Articles for DEAR time (to replace journal time)
Tuesday 9/24
- Read aloud to your students from a banned book. Take a pic and share it on Twitter. #KeepTheLightOn #BannedBooksWeek @KnightdaleHS #khsallin
- Articles for DEAR time (to replace journal time)
Wednesday 9/25
- Tweet about a book or author who helped you #KeepTheLightOn at some point in your life. #BannedBooksWeek @KnightdaleHS #khsallin
- Articles for DEAR time (to replace journal time)
Thursday 9/26
- Tweet out a quote or picture of a favorite passage from a banned book #KeepTheLightOn #BannedBooksWeek @KnightdaleHS #khsallin
- Articles for DEAR time (to replace journal time)
Friday 9/27
- POETRY SLAM C lunch in the LC!!
- Tweet out a video of you or your students reading (DEAR time, read-aloud, etc.) #KeepTheLightOn #BannedBooksWeek @KnightdaleHS #khsallin
- Articles for DEAR time
- 1st Period
- 2nd Period
- 3rd Period
- 4th Period
- Happening NOW in Charlotte: Challenge to Remove All American Boys
- Would you rather just share some poems from banned or challenged works? Try these instead:
- 1st Period - "Caged Bird" by Maya Angelou
- 2nd Period - "Song of Myself" by Walt Whitman (Sections 1, 24, and 52 contain famous lines)
- 3rd Period - "Riot" by Gwendolyn Brooks
- 4th Period - "Caminitos" by Carmen Tafolla

Hey Staff....
This is for you, too! You can also help support your students by participating in the following:
- Staff Twitter contest -
- Tag us #BannedBooksWeek #khsall
- Tweet out pics of students reading, videos of read-alouds, statements supporting literacy/reading and students' right to read. Make it a goal to tweet every day.
- At the end of the week, we'll do a check to see who had the most tweets (retweeting your students' literacy tweets counts).
- Provide DEAR (drop everything and read) time in place of journal time
- This can be content-related!
- Need something for your students? See the articles below.
- Try for at least one day where students can read what they choose.
- Record a Flipgrid video about why you read banned books to go on our wall. Contact a librarian for details.
- Staff Twitter contest -