Every Student College Ready!
The Knightdale High School Of Collaborative Design (KHSCD) is about personalizing the High School experience. Students will be able to tackle rigorous courses because they will be taught in an engaging and real-world environment. All courses (grades 9-12) will be immersed in the Problem and Project Based Learning philosophy. Students will be graded on the process, product, and communication of their content acquisition. Learning is personalized by offering interest based institutes and flexibility in content delivery. Students in grades 10-12 will select one of four institute pathways, depending on their level of interest.The competencies and the problem based learning scenarios offer a vehicle to deliver the curriculum in an engaging and rigorous environment. The mission of Knightdale High School Of Collaborative Design is "Every Student College Ready!".Rising Freshmen have the opportunity to participate in the Freshman Leadership Institute. Rising Sophomores will choose from one of four institutes. These unique groups with common interests offer programs which allow students to study and socialize as part of a smaller community while still taking advantage of the intellectual and cultural diversity of our school as a whole.Institute of Freshman Leadership
Students will begin their high school experience in the Freshman Leadership Institute. This school-within-a-school environment for our freshmen assists students with the transition to high school. Skills that are necessary to be successful in high school and beyond are explicitly taught through the Teen Leadership and Freshman Seminar courses. Exciting Problem Based Learning and technology integrated lessons allow students to start their high school career in a vibrant and engaging way!Institute of Innovation
Innovation can be defined as “the process of translating an idea or invention into a good or service that creates value or for which customers will pay.”
Within the framework of the Grand Engineering Challenges, innovators are focused on assessing the suitability of existing solutions and adapting existing ideas, processes, and/or products to create new solutions to the challenge at hand. The KAES Career Academy is part of the Institute of Innovation.
Institute of Creative Design
Creativity can be defined as the “mental characteristic that allows a person to think outside of the box, which results in … different approaches to a particular task.”
Within the framework of the Grand Design Challenges, creative designers are interested in designing a multitude of solutions which may include radical, original approaches to the challenge at hand or even a reimagining of the challenge itself.
Institute of Government & Global Inquiry
Government can be defined as “a group of people that governs a community or unit. It sets and administers public policy and exercises executive, political and sovereign powers through customs, institutions, and laws,” while inquiry can be defined as “a systematic investigation of a matter of public interest.”
Within the framework of the Grand Design Challenges, governors/inquirers are interested in designing solutions which take into consideration the human factors at play, including social and cultural elements, when approaching the challenge at hand. The KAPS Career Academy is part of the Institute of Government & Global Inquiry.
Institute of Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship can be defined as “the capacity and willingness to develop, organize and manage a business venture along with any of its risks in order to make a profit.”
Within the framework of the Grand Design Challenges, entrepreneurs are interested in designing solutions that don’t already exist in the marketplace, but are also practical, efficient and scalable for the challenge at hand.