• Teaching Research

    "Do the research, tell the story." Laura Hillenbrand

  • eWISE at a Glance:

    1. Wonder

    • Get curious about something
    • Figure out a topic
    • Develop a question
    • Do some Googling to figure out KEYWORDS and related topics
    • EVALUATE your topic/Q

    2. Investigate

    • Where to look
    • What KEYwords to use
      • Google likes specific words
      • Databases like more general terms
      • Librarians can help you figure out your terms
    • Why to choose a resource

    3. Synthesize

    4. Express

  • Start with a Model




    This model is NOT linear.  Sometimes you start to synthesize or express only to find out you need to investigate more.  Every step of the way you evaluate! 


    Resources for Teaching


    Call us in the LC at #1201

    We'd LOVE to co-teach with you to get your students researching with integrity.


    Resource Evaluation 101 - Lesson