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Ms. Chidester's Weekly Message: 11/03/23


Dear Conn Magnet Elementary School Families,       


Book Fair: Get ready! The Scholastic Book Fair is coming our way (YAY!). Choosing their own books empowers kids and inspires them on their journey to becoming lifelong readers. As always, every purchase at the fair benefits our school. 


We are excited to invite you to our upcoming Scholastic Book Fair hosted by our PTA and Media Specialist, Ms. Brick. Here’s what you need to know about the fair, which will take place from November 13 – 17 in the media center:  


This year, say goodbye to cash and hello to Ewallet- your child’s digital payment account. Before the fair, set up eWallet for worry-free, cash-free purchases. Anyone can contribute! Share each child’s eWallet so friends and family can add funds and give your kids more books to enjoy.  


If you can’t make it to the fair, shop at our school’s Online Book Fair. All orders ship directly to your home, and shipping is free for book orders over $25. Your online orders will also benefit our school.  

  • Visit our Book Fair homepage to learn more and get started with eWallet and online shopping. Additional information will be sent home and shared on the Media Center's Website.    
  • Contribute to Conn’s Book Fairy Fund today to ensure all students are able to bring home a book- every $15 donation pays for one book. 
  • Sign up to volunteer at the Book Fair! It’s a great way to connect with the school, students, and families! Catch you at the fair!  

TSI Notification: Conn Magnet Elementary has been designated as a Targeted Support & Improvement Additional Targeted Support (TSI-AT) school by the North Carolina State Board of Education. As stated in ESSA Section 1111(d)(2), North Carolina had to identify schools for targeted support and improvement. Please click here for more information.  


PTA Updates:    

Volunteer Opportunities: Looking to volunteer? You must be approved by WCPSS and complete Conn's volunteer training, which is now available virtually! The training takes approximately five minutes and can be done on your own schedule. Please be sure to submit your information at the end of the virtual Conn training to verify completion. All volunteers must be WCPSS approved and trained before signing up for a volunteer shift. Click here to get started!  


Book Drive: Please consider donating to our book drive from November 2 - 9. It is just in time for our book fair! Clear your shelves and donate your gently used children’s books to help our school’s young readers. Collected books will help to build home libraries for Conn families as well as restock our school’s book vending machine. Donation bins will be located at the front entrance and carpool. 




Gabriel Chidester, Principal   



Important Dates to Remember          

  • Tuesday, November 7- Teacher Workday/No School        
  • Friday, November 10- Holiday/No School     
  • Monday, November 13 - Friday, November 17- Book Fair   
  • Wednesday, November 15- Fall Pictures Retakes & Literacy Night @ 4:30 p.m.     
  • Monday, November 20- 5th Grade Musical @ 5:30 p.m.       
  • Wednesday, November 22 - Friday, November 24- Holiday/No School  
  • Thursday, November 30- 5th Grade Musical @5:30 p.m. (Change in date)     
  • Friday, December 8- PreK Family Partnership Day     
  • Thursday, December 21 – January 2- Winter Break/No School