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Principal Message (8.4.24)


As we head into the last three weeks of summer vacation, below is important information to prepare for the new school year. As always, if you have any questions, please reach out to us by using the “Contact Us” link located HERE.


Events for the Next 2 Weeks


Monday, August 5

Fine Arts Booster (FAB)

We are hosting our first FAB meeting of the year and welcome parents interested in performing or visual arts to attend.  Our meeting is from 6:00 to 7:00 pm in the Chorus room.  If you can not attend the meeting in-person and want to join virtually, use this link HERE! Passcode: 295129


Student Parking Application Due Today!

The parking applications for Juniors and Seniors will close today at 5:00 pm. Students who complete an application will receive their parking tag after attending one of the following mandatory parking information sessions.

    • Tuesday, August 13 at 9:00, 11:00, or 1:00
    • Thursday, August 22 at 4:00 or 5:00

If a student is unable to attend the meetings above, they will need to wait until school starts to schedule a meeting with Mr. Guffey to review parking procedures and expectations.  If student parking spots are still available after the initial application window has closed, a final application window will open on September 3.  This window will remain open until all spots are filled. Based on the number of spots still available after the initial application window is closed, we will decide whether to offer parking for Sophomores when the final application window opens.


Tuesday, August 6

Senior Pictures

CADY is hosting a Senior Roadshow at GLHS on August 6 and 15.  You need to register for this option; the dates should be listed once you select “Green Level” as your school. This session does require a sitting fee, however you do not have photo package options. If you register for either of these dates, you get the traditional session (formal portrait/yearbook pose, cap & gown, and a casual pose). Go to to book their session and follow the prompts for seniors. 


Drivers Education Fall Registration

Registration for Fall Driver’s Education classes will take place on a staggered basis, organized by school. These dates will be released on Tuesday, August 6 at 


Wednesday, August 7

2 Parent Meetings

    1. Senior Activities Committee (SAC) meeting:  If you have a senior, please come join us in planning events and activities for the “Class of 2025.”  Our meeting is in the media center from 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm
    2. PTSA Meeting:  Please join us for our first PTSA meeting from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm in the media center.  All families are welcome!


Thursday, August 8

Gator Family Night

Please join us for our annual community kick-off to the new school year from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm in the stadium. Gator Night.  Grab your family and friends and join us for a football scrimmage, and debut performances by our Marching Band, Dance Team, and Cheerleaders.  Look for our PTSA tables this week on Thursday at Gator Night. Learn about memberships, meet PTSA board members, and buy some spirit wear.  As an FYI, we are monitoring the weather for this event and will provide updates via social media no later than Thursday morning.

    • Socialize with administration, faculty, and staff
    • Purchase school spirit wear from PTSA and the Gator Club
    • Cheer on our football team as they hold their annual intrasquad scrimmage.
    • Concessions will be available, including Pizza and Chick-fil-A


Monday, August 12

2024-25 Student Schedules

Good News!  You can view your 2024-25 schedule in PowerSchool today.  You may need to log out and then back in to see the 2024-25 school year.

    • If you are happy with your schedule, great! 
    • If you would like to request a change in your schedule, you will need to wait patiently until Wednesday, August 28 to submit a Course Correction Request Form. Stay tuned for more information.
    • If you see an error in your schedule or are missing a class, please go to the Main Office on one of the Orientation Days.


World Language Placement Test

World Language placement testing will take place on Monday, August 19th.  Please submit this form  HERE no later than August 12th.  If you qualify and are interested, please fill out the following form and you will be contacted. Placement testing is exclusively for the following student categories:

    1. Native speakers of the target language of Spanish and French
    2. Students arriving from other countries
    3. Students from outside the county who need clarification of their proficiency level

The placement exam process consists of two phases:

    • Phase 1: Students will take a written assessment covering cumulative content, knowledge, and skills from the course they aim to place out of.  To demonstrate mastery, students must achieve a minimum score of 90% on this written assessment.
    • Phase 2: Once mastery is demonstrated in Phase 1, students will proceed to the performance phase. This phase evaluates a deeper understanding of the content and skills through writing, speaking, and/or listening assessments.

Please be advised that completing the placement exam does NOT award any course credit. It only allows the student to enroll in a higher-level language course. If you have any questions, please contact World Languages department chair, Ms. Adriana Quesada at


Tuesday, August 13

Returning Student Orientation

If you attended GLHS last year, please join us anytime from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm for a free-flowing back-to-school orientation.  Families can review student schedules, complete/update the parent volunteer registration, join any of our Booster Clubs, and confirm bus routes with transportation department staff.

    • Senior T-shirts will be available for pickup.
    • Swamp Passes are available for pick-up.
    • Juniors and Seniors who have completed the Parking Application by August 5 may pick up Parking Passes by attending one of three required safety sessions which will begin promptly at 9:00am, 11:00am, and 1:00pm.  These sessions will start on time so don't be late.
    • Juniors and Seniors who have completed the Off-Campus Lunch Pass Application may pick up lunch passes from 9-12 and 1-2:00.


Wednesday, August 14

Freshman and New Students/Family Orientation


Students with last names A-L will join us for the 9:00-11:00 AM session. 

Students with last names M-Z will join us for the 1:00-3:00 PM session. 

    • Parents/guardians should attend the session above with their child. Please park in the Student Parking Lot off Roberts Road next to the stadium. Please plan to attend the entire two-hour orientation session.
    • Each session will begin with an opening presentation for students and parents/guardians in the Auditorium, starting promptly at 9:00 AM or 1:00 PM.
    • Next, students will be divided into groups while parents/guardians remain in the auditorium for additional information from the administrative team and student services.
    • Student groups will receive a tour guided by our student ambassadors and get a preview of student clubs.
    • Families will be able to review the new student schedule, complete/update the parent volunteer registration, join any of our Booster Clubs, visit the Club Fair, purchase school spirit wear, and confirm bus routes with transportation department staff.  Swamp Passes are also available for pick-up at Orientation.
    • What do we do if we cannot attend orientation?  You are welcome to come to Green Level on August 23 between 9:00 am and 11:00 am to independently walk your schedule. Please check in at the front office.  Unfortunately, staff will not be available to provide tours. 


Thursday, August 15

Senior Pictures

CADY is hosting a Senior Roadshow at GLHS on August 6 and 15.  You need to register for this option; the dates should be listed once you select “Green Level” as your school. This session does require a sitting fee, however you do not have photo package options. If you register for either of these dates, you get the traditional session (formal portrait/yearbook pose, cap & gown, and a casual pose). Go to to book their session and follow the prompts for seniors. 


General Information


Not Returning to GLHS

Families, if you are not returning to Green Level for the 2024-25 school year, please email Heidi Estrada at If you checked out a Chromebook, you can return it to the main office.  Office hours are 9:00 am to 1:00 pm.  Let us know if you have any questions!


Meet your Case Manager

If you have a 504 or an IEP, please meet your case manager on Thursday, August 22 from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm in the media center.  This is a free-flowing session for parents and students. 


First Home Football, Soccer, and Volleyball Games

  • Thursday, August 22 at 6:00 pm:  Volleyball vs. Jordan  (Main Gym)
  • Thursday, August 25 at 6:30 pm:  Men's Soccer vs. Jordan (Stadium)
  • Thursday, August 29 at 7:00 pm:  Varsity Football vs. Willow Spring (Stadium) 


Start-Up of School Cash Online

Starting July 1, SchoolCash Online (SCO) is the district’s preferred online payment system, allowing parents to pay for student fees and all other items for high school. The new system will save time for teachers and staff when planning, processing, and handling payments.  This system will replace Online School Payments (OSP).   Please take a moment to register for an account from these instructions:  WCPSS School Cash Online Information


Volunteer Process Open

Volunteer Renewal Process

Families and individuals approved to volunteer in the 2023-24 school year received an email on June 11 outlining the simple volunteer renewal process for the 2024-25 school year. Families can renew their volunteer status during the renewal window, today through October 1. Review details at


New Volunteer Registration

All WCPSS parent and community volunteers are required to register through the MyVolunteer system. On the MyVolunteer site, you will find disclosure and authorization forms, the WCPSS Volunteer Agreement, as well as a summary of rights under the Fair Credit Reporting Act. You must review these documents and provide the requested information. Please include your name and contact information when you begin the registration process.  If you leave the CRC background site before completing your contact information, you will have to begin the process again.  You must include your social security number to register to volunteer.  If you do not have a social security number, please contact or call 919-694-8233.  You will be notified by the MyVolunteer system if you are approved to volunteer. Volunteer Registration Link is HERE


FYI:  All visitors (even approved volunteers) must sign in every time you come to a school during instructional hours.  Please remember to bring your license/ID for the sign-in process.


PTSA Message

  • Our PTSA is dependent upon your membership and generous donations in order to provide support to ALL students and staff at Green Level.  JOIN PTSA HERE!
  • Be ready for an awesome school year at The Swamp with some new Gator Gear. New items available for quick pick up at the front office.  BUY GATOR GEAR HERE!
  • VOLUNTEERS NEEDED : We are looking for volunteers to assist us at Gator Night, Please sign up HERE  if you are able to volunteer this week. This signup also includes slots for Orientation Days and Meet the teacher night. Come join us!


Information from Athletics

Gator Club Memberships 

Gator Club Memberships provide FREE admission to ALL home Green Level athletic events during the regular season. These passes are great for families, parents, and grandparents who will attend multiple Green Level athletic events during the school year. Family passes generally pay for themselves after attending just 5 events during the entire school year. Be sure to use the promo code: GOGATORS at checkout!  

Link is HERE!  


Info for Juniors and Seniors


Lunch Pass Information

Juniors and Seniors who are in good standing are eligible to apply for an off-campus lunch pass.  To receive an off-campus lunch pass, students and parents/guardians must complete the following steps.

  1. Complete the GLHS Off-Campus Lunch Pass Application in the presence of a Notary Public or a GLHS school official.  GLHS staff are available during the summer, from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm.
  2. Pay the off-campus lunch pass fee through SchoolCash Online.  All other fines/fees must be paid before students are eligible to pick up their lunch pass.
  3. Students can pick up their lunch passes on the dates/times listed below.  If students cannot make the times listed below, lunch passes will be distributed during lunch beginning on August 27.  You must have your lunch pass to leave campus during lunch on August 27.
    • Tuesday, August 13 from 9:00 - 12:00 and 1:00 - 2:00
    • Thursday, August 22 from 4:00 - 6:00


Early Release and/or Late Arrival Form 

Seniors: Eligible to all Seniors

Juniors: Only eligible if enrolled in CCP courses


Use this form HERE to request a reduction in courses at Green Level High School for the 2024-25 school year.  Course reductions will result in the elimination of elective classes. Hint: Students must be logged into the Wake ID account to access the form.

    • Early Release:  remove third and/or fourth period classes
    • Late Arrival:  remove first period


Information to Seniors


Senior "Save the Dates"

Due to the amount of information for seniors, the SAC Parent Chairs created this FLYER for you!  Please mark these important dates on your calendar.


Senior Expenses

The senior year is very busy and previous parents have asked for a one-page flyer that outlines expenses over the senior year.  We hope this flyer, HERE, is helpful.  

One of the first Expenses:  To ensure every senior has a special year, we are asking each senior to pay a $75 fee to help cover expenses (senior shirt, senior gift, senior dinner, stole, diploma, graduation expenses, etc…) over the year.  If you would like to sponsor another student, we will gladly accept additional donations. Please use this link  HERE or submit a check to GLHS with your rising senior name in the subject line. 


Mid-Year Graduation Request Form

Please complete this form HERE to request consideration for a Mid-Year Graduation (graduating in January - one semester early). 


Immunization Requirement

​North Carolina law now requires all rising 12th graders to receive a meningococcal vaccine booster before starting 12th grade. The vaccination must be done before the 24-25 school year begins. Parents will need to provide a copy of their child’s immunization record showing proof that the meningococcal vaccine has been completed before the first day of school. This is a 2-dose immunization; the 1st dose was required in the 7th grade in Wake County schools.​  More information is located HERE!  Please send your immunization updates to:  or 

Fax: 919-589-6734 Attention- Records 


Senior Portraits

Now is the time to schedule your senior portraits. Students will have three options for senior portraits, two requiring you to register for a session and pay a sitting fee. For more information, follow this link


1. Cady Studio Session (studio in Raleigh)

Register  HERE for a session and choose your picture package/experience; a sitting fee is required.  Students will choose a date and time that works best between now and December 6 to have their picture taken at the Cady studio in Raleigh. This option offers the most flexibility and photo packages/experiences.  Included with every package is the formal portrait as it’s the yearbook pose. 

2. Senior Roadshow at school (August 6 & 15)

You need to register for this option; the dates should be listed once you select “Green Level” as your school.This session does require a sitting fee, however you do not have photo package options. If you register for either of these dates, you get the traditional session (formal portrait/yearbook pose, cap & gown, and a casual pose). Go to to book their session and follow the prompts for seniors. 

3. Yearbook Only at school (November 13 & 14)

No sitting fee is required for this session.  You can’t register for this option. A schedule will be shared closer to the date. At this session, students will ONLY have a formal portrait taken to ensure their portrait is included in the yearbook. These pictures will be available for purchase, but they will be digital prints ONLY and will only include 3-4 poses (sessions are about 5 minutes).


Chalk the Spot

Come out to decorate your senior's assigned parking space from 4-7 pm on Monday, August 26. This tradition is a great way to celebrate and kick off the start of your senior's last year of high school! This event will occur rain or shine. Bring your own chalk. Ms. Summers will have a map if you need any help.


Senior Car Parade Info

Join us in our first day of school tradition for seniors.  Check out this FLYER!  Shout out to Karen Coe, Real Estate Group, for her sponsorship!

Parent Volunteers Needed

Join us in welcoming the Class of 2025 on their first day of class! Parents are encouraged to sign up to help at one of two locations-the start of the parade (at Food Lion off HWY 55) and the end of the parade (GLHS). Help us implement a smooth start or meet us at the finish line to set - up decorations  & cheer on our seniors. You may only sign up for one location. Please use this link to sign-up HERE!  


Senior Car Sign-up

Seeking Class of 2025 Seniors who are creative, full of spirit, and ready to steer the year in the right direction! You are welcome to join the GLHS Senior Car Parade on Tuesday, August 27 starting from Food Lion on Hwy 55 at 6:30 am. Use this LINK to sign up to participate in the senior car parade. Vehicle decoration prizes will be awarded for: Most School Gator Spirit, Best in Show, Most Artistic/ Creative, Most Wacky Tacky, First in Line, Best Class of 2025 Spirit. Staff Favorite, & Over the top/ 3-D.


Senior Muffin Days


Want to see a lot of happy Seniors on the 1st Wednesday of each month?  Join the SAC to help serve delicious muffins and smiles on Senior Muffin Days.  Two shifts are available!  Sign up HERE!  



Our Senior Muffin Days wouldn’t be possible without sponsorship from amazing businesses and families in our community.  Sponsorships are tax-deductible and reach over 2,000 GLHS families with our social media platforms.  Do you know a business or family that would like to sponsor?  Fill out the interest form HERE!  


Senior Sunrise


Rise and Shine as we celebrate the dawning of a new group of GLHS Seniors- the Class of 2025! Please join us on Wednesday, Sept. 25th from 5:45 am-7:30 am. Please use the following link to sign up to help HERE


Senior Communications

If you have any questions or comments regarding Senior Activities, please reach out to our Senior Activity Committee by emailing:




Join our Green Level High School Class of 2025 

  • Facebook Group HERE! Please answer membership questions fully to join
  • Instagram account at 2025glhsseniors


Mark Your Calendar

  • Tuesday, August 27:  First Day of School and Senior Car Parade
  • Wednesday, August 28:  Grade level meetings in the auditorium
  • Wednesday, August 28:  Course Correction Forms Released
  • Thursday, August 29:  Home football game vs Willow Spring
  • Monday, September 2:  Labor Day (no school)
  • Tuesday, September 3:  Senior Advisory meeting in the auditorium
  • Wednesday, September 4:  First Senior Muffin Day
  • Wednesday, September 4:  Course Correction Forms Due
  • Thursday, September 5:  Senior Parent Night
  • Thursday, September 5:  Home Volleyball game
  • Wednesday, September 11:  General PTSA Meeting and Meet the Teacher
  • Saturday, September 14:  Bands of Cary at GLHS
  • Monday, September 16:  School Improvement Team (SIT) Meeting at 2:30 in the media center
  • Tuesday, September 17:  Underclassman picture day
  • Friday, September 20:  Teacher Workday
  • Monday, September 23:  Quarter 1 interims distributed during Advisory
  • Tuesday, September 24:  Freshman Advisory meeting in the auditorium
  • Wednesday, September 25:  Senior Sunrise
  • Saturday, September 28: Marching Band Competition at PCHS
  • September 30 to October 4:  Homecoming & Spirit Week