Principal Message (4/14/24)
Events this Week:
Monday, April 15
- Junior Advisory Meeting in the auditorium
- AP Calculus AB/BC Review Sessions: We encourage AB/BC Calculus students to sign up to attend review sessions at from 2:30 to 4:00 pm (Gomilla’s room)
- Fine Arts Booster Meeting: Current 9th-11th Grade Fine Arts Parents: We need YOU to support the Arts for the 2024-2025 school year! We invite all to join us for the next FAB meeting tonight @ 6pm when we plan for next year. Meet our community of supportive arts minded parents in person in the Chorus room. Please reach out to if you would like a virtual option to attend.
Tuesday, April 16
- Pay It Forward Connectivity sessions for Juniors
- Campbell University: If you are a junior or a senior, the following university is visiting our school next week during Connectivity. If you are interested in meeting with this school, please sign up in AllTimely.
- Get Exam Season Ready!: Take advantage of our partnership with The Princeton Review and get ready for exam season. All events are virtual and free to Green Level families. Register for tonight's session "Study Skills 101" with a non-WCPSS email account. Session begins at 6:30 pm. Register HERE!
Wednesday, April 17
- Pay It Forward Connectivity sessions for Juniors
- Special Olympics at GLHS: We are excited to host Wake County Special Olympics Spring Games this Wednesday from 10:00 am-1:00 pm in the Stadium. We will welcome 100+ special education students to campus to compete in a variety of track and field events, plus other fun activities. Spectators are welcome, free of charge!
- Jacksonville University: If you are a junior or a senior, the following university is visiting our school next week during Connectivity. If you are interested in meeting with this school, please sign up in AllTimely.
- Parents: Please Join Us! Senior Activities Committee Meeting 5:30pm and PTSA Business Meeting 6:30 pm in the Media Center. This is a great time to get informed and ask all your GLHS questions! Hope to see you there!
Thursday, April 18
- Pay It Forward Connectivity sessions for Juniors
- GLHS Spring Plant Sale: The Green Level FFA is having its Spring Plant Sale beginning today through Sunday, April 21. We are open from 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM on weekdays, and 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM on weekends. The sale is in the greenhouse by the bus loop and cash and cards are accepted. Please come visit us and spread the word!
Friday, April 19
- Pay It Forward Connectivity sessions for Juniors
- 3 Year Grad Application Due by 7:30 am: North Carolina House Bill 259 allows students to apply to be a 3-Year Graduate. Eligible students are only able to apply for this flexibility if they meet the state’s minimum graduation requirements. For more information and application, click HERE! Please turn in application to Student Services
- Shakespeare’s Dead Dames & Dudes: GLHS Repertoire Theatre Classes presents: Shakespeare’s Dead Dames & Dudes. This entire production is entirely student-directed. Show is at 7:00 pm. Tickets can be purchased HERE!
Saturday, April 20
- GL Band Car Wash! Drop by Pinnacle Bank at Preston Corners (4725 SW Cary Parkway) on April 20 from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm to get the pollen washed off your car!
AP Exam Information
AP Exam season is almost here! From May 6-17, Green Level High School will be hosting 1,643 students taking over 4,393 Advanced Placement exams with the hopes of gaining college credits with successful exam scores. While this time comes with excitement to show what a student has worked on in their AP class, it also can come with challenges. Please help your child balance academics with self-care - especially with sleeping well, eating healthy meals, and coming prepared. It's almost time to show what they know!
This week in Connectivity, students taking a digital AP exam (World History, US History, English Language, English Literature and Computer Science Principles) MUST sign up for AP Digital Exam Readiness session. Student must attend ONE session (Tuesday through Friday, April 16-19) and bring their charged Chromebook to verify their device is exam ready. Students should sign up in AllTimely and look for Ms. Roberts' name. If your child does not attend one of these sessions, and has a digital exam, they will not be able to take their exam in May as their device will not be compatible. This setup is mandatory for all AP Digital Exam takers. Your child also received an email with this information.
In the coming weeks leading up to AP exams, please note the following information:
- Each student will get an email full of information the day before their scheduled exam. The email will go to the email address that is in the AP Classroom so please have them check both WCPSS student email and personal email boxes. This email will have locations, reminders, prohibited items, and links to so much more. Please make sure students are on time - 7:25 am for morning exams and 11:30 am for afternoon exams or they will miss the opportunity to sit for the exam. The exam administration window can be up to four hours so please have transportation arrangements for the afternoon exams as buses will not run late for AP students - students will contact parents when exams are complete - no student can leave an exam early. AP exams follow CollegeBoard policy which is more strict and restrictive - please plan around your child's scheduled AP exam. If your child does not choose to take their AP exam, CollegeBoard charges a fee of $40 for a canceled exam.
- Students will be marked excused while they are in testing. If it is a morning exam, they are excused from 1st, 2nd, and 3rd period classes with the expectation to attend 4th period. If it is an afternoon exam, students are expected to be present in 1st and 2nd periods and excused absent for 3rd and 4th. If students have back-to-back exams, one in the morning and the afternoon of the same day, they need to pack a lunch to eat between the exams - they will not have time to leave campus for lunch - and their second exam will not start without them. CollegeBoard policy states students can take two exams in one day.
If you have additional questions about AP exams, please see our AP Exam Administration website (this includes the full AP exam schedule, what to bring/not to bring, sample emails, what to expect on test day, and more) or contact our AP Coordinator and Dean of Students, Hamilton Roberts at
Volunteer With PTSA
The Nominating Committee is ready to start recruiting volunteers for the 24/25 school year. Please contact the nominating committee at more information to get involved at The Swamp.
Stock the Swamp!
Please send in individually packaged snacks for our growing and hardworking Gators. Donations can be dropped off in the green box at the entry of school or shipped directly to campus from Amazon. Thank you for your generosity!
Get Your Gator Gear
GLHS spirit wear is always available online for quick and easy pick up in the front office.
WCPSS Student Device Program Update
- Students who withdraw from WCPSS are required to return their Chromebook on or before their last day of school.
- Students in grades 5, 8, or 12 are required to return their assigned Chromebook at the end of this school year. These students will receive new Chromebooks at the beginning of their grade 6 and 9 school year.
- All other students (grades 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 10, and 11) will keep their assigned Chromebook through the transition to the 2024-25 school year, even if they are transferring to another WCPSS school.
Underclassman Turn-In Date
The final day for all underclassmen to turn in English novels, textbooks, and library materials is May 31. They will keep Chromebooks until graduation. We are encouraging ALL students to return textbooks on the day they take their AP exam(s).
Black Student Union
Dear parents, we are the Green Level Black Student Union and our club is committed to providing support for the Black community at Green Level as well as outside of it. We are partnering with 100 Black Men, an organization dedicated to providing financial support for Black high school graduates. We kindly ask that you please donate to this cause at until April 18th, 2024. Additionally, we are hosting a book drive for Isaac A David Sr. Memorial School in Liberia. Please bring your books to room 2121 Thank you!
AP Calculus AB/BC Review Sessions
We encourage AB/BC Calculus students to sign up to attend review sessions at
- Monday, April 22 from 2:30 to 4:00 pm (Gomilla’s room)
- Monday, April 29 from 8:00 to 12:00 pm (cafeteria-teacher workroom)
Prom Tickets
Mark your calendars! On April 27 from 7-11 pm, step back into the glitz and glamor of the roaring twenties at our Great Gatsby themed prom. Juniors and Seniors may purchase their tickets via Go Fan. Students must not owe materials or parking fines in order to purchase a ticket. Please contact April Mack or Jeremy Hodges with any questions.
Stakeholder Feedback
- WCPSS Student Survey: In the spring, students in grades 5-13 will be asked to complete the annual WCPSS Student Engagement Survey. The survey includes questions about teacher-student relationships, relevance of school work, and future aspirations and goals. The results of this survey help schools monitor their School Improvement Plans, and help the district track student perceptions about their educational experiences. The survey is available now through May 31. We would like all students at GLHS to have the opportunity to take the survey which can be accessed through each student’s WakeID portal.
- Student Feedback Sessions: Administration is collaborating with Kate Beach to talk openly with students during Connectivity about our school. Our open dialogues have ranged in the following topics: Honor Code Policy, Student Expectations, Parking Lot, and Wake Tech (CCP). We have 3 more meetings scheduled during Connectivity in Kate Beach’s room. Please encourage students to attend: April 24 and May 2
WCPSS Family Survey: Wake County Public Schools is administering a District Wide Family Survey beginning today through Friday, May 17. This survey provides families the opportunity to provide valuable information and a high-quality data source for planning and School Improvement. The survey has been translated into various languages; Spanish, Arabic, French, Korean, Vietnamese, and Chinese in an effort to provide accessibility to families in Wake County Public Schools. The survey administration language can be chosen by families before taking the survey.
- Parent RoundTable: We are inviting parents for an open dialogue, on Tuesday, April 30, with Ms. Summers, Mr. Williams and Ms. Roberts about this school year. We would like to hear strengths and areas of improvement regarding Student Expectations, Honor Code Policy and any other topic on your mind. Please mark your calendar for the following:
In-person meeting at GLHS: 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm
Virtual meeting: 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm
2024-25 Information
2024-25 Schedule Information
- General Information: Student Services has completed the registration process but we still are processing individual requests. If you or your child have any changes to make to the courses selected in registration, please contact your child's counselor directly via email. Counselors handle a caseload by last name so please refer to the Student Services tab on the website for who to contact. Students may also make appointments with their counselor during the school day using the Google calendar links. There is a hard deadline for changes of May 31 by 3pm - after this date, we will start the process of preparing for schedules to be made in the summer. Please make sure to request any changes prior to this date - as the course correction window when we return in August is not guaranteed. We build the master schedule based on requests, so this is how your child has the best chance of getting their course selections. Thank you for your understanding!
- Current Juniors: If your child is a rising senior interested in a mid-year graduation, graduating in January one semester early, this form is due to Student Services by May 31st at 3pm. Please complete this form to request consideration for a Mid-Year Graduation.
- Current Sophomores and Juniors: If your child is a rising senior or junior, interested in a schedule reduction - requesting a period off - these forms are due electronically by May 31 at 3pm. The link to Schedule Reduction form is on the Student Services website under "Forms" and linked here. Students must complete this form for their schedule reduction to be considered - this is only for Seniors (for dual enrollment, employment or other) and Juniors with dual enrollment at Wake Tech/CCP (documentation is required to be uploaded).
- Wake Tech CCP Information: If your child is taking dual enrollment courses through Wake Technical Community College in the Career and College Promise (CCP) Program, your child must complete the Dual Enrollment form. Students must complete this form for their dual enrollment courses to be put on the high school and college transcript and it is required by WCPSS. Please complete this form AND attach a screenshot from your Wake Tech portal of your enrollment. This form can be turned in one of three ways: Uploaded into the Schedule Reduction Form as documentation for that request, return it to Student Services in person, or email it to Ms. Roberts at after enrolling through Wake Tech.
Seeking Volunteers for 2024/25 School Year
GLHS is seeking parent volunteers for the upcoming school year. Want to get involved, be more informed, and meet a great community of people?
Fine Arts Booster (FAB)
FAB is looking for Board members: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer. If you are interested, please reach out to Melissa Ockert at
For more information on board positions, click HERE! Email the nominating committee at to get involved!
Band Boosters
Band Boosters has an open position for our VP of Fundraising as well as various Committee Chairs and Co-Chairs. If interested, please complete this form HERE or email at for more information.
Mark Your Calendar
- Monday, April 22: Senior Advisory Meeting in the Auditorium
- Monday, April 22: Q3 Report Cards distributed in Advsiory
- Wednesday, April 24: Student Feedback Session with Administration during Connectivity
- Saturday, April 27: Prom at Embassy Suites
- Wednesday, April 29: Teacher Workday
- Tuesday, April 30: In-Person Parent RoundTable meeting from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm
- Tuesday, April 30: Virtual Parent RoundTable meeting from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm
- Thursday, May 2: Student Feedback Session with Administration during Connectivity
- Friday, May 3: National Honor Society Applications Due
- May 6 to May 10: AP Exams
- June 3: Junior Advisory Meeting in Auditorium (senior portraits, and summer planning)