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Principal Message (2/27/22)


Update on Masks

All Wake County Schools will become mask optional beginning Monday, March 7.  As this transition is before us, our focus continues to remain on supporting and respecting staff, students, and families in this ever-changing context. At GLHS, we will continue to cultivate an environment of inclusivity by respecting each other's choices to wear or not to wear a mask.



All Juniors will take the ACT on Tuesday, March 1st.  Please find your testing location in the front lobby of the school.  Remember to bring your calculator.


For the remainder of the school, we will have an alternate bell schedule.  Use this link HERE to access the bell schedule or go to the front page of our website.


Media Center

The library will be closed on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday.


Senior Information


Be sure to arrive at school a little early on Wednesday, March 2nd, to grab a muffin on the way to class.



Our wonderful GL PTSA is donating the funds to cover the muffins so we do not need muffins or monetary donations.  However, we still need parents to volunteer to help serve on Wednesday am.  Use this link HERE  if you can help!   


SAC Meeting:

Please come to our monthly meeting to discuss Senior Activities.  Our next meeting will be held virtually on Wednesday, March 2 at 6:30 pm.  If you are interested, please fill out this Google form  HERE and we will send you a meeting link on Wednesday morning.


Registration Timeline for 9, 10, and 11 Grade

Starting February 28th through March 11th, students can register through PowerSchool for their course selections for the 2022-2023 school year. During this window, counselors will be available for two types of support for students.

  • Connectivity - Students can sign up in AllTimely for help with registration questions with counselors during Connectivity March 2-March 11.
  • Course Registration Appointments - Students can sign up with their individual counselor for course registration questions through their Calendly appointment calendar. These appointments are reserved for students only. However, if the student wants to phone call or facetime with parents during the appointment, students can contact them at that time.
  • Parent Appointments - If parents would like to talk to their child's counselor about course registration, or any additional concerns, please contact your child's counselor by email to schedule an appointment. Student Services tries to prioritize student-led appointments during the school day and work with families around these appointments.
  • Virtual Parent Round Table Meeting - We will also have additional general registration topic conversation at our next Virtual Parent Round Table on March 1 at 1:00 pm or 6:30 pm. Please use this link HERE  to sign up. We will send you a meeting link on Tuesday morning for the 1:00 and 6:30 pm meetings. 


February 28th: 

All students will receive a Course Registration Mini Guide in Advisory

February 28th - March 11th: 

Course Registration screens open in PowerSchool for students to start registering

February 28th - March 11th: 

Course Registration Meetings (counselors available for appointments) and during Connectivity

March 7th: 

Junior Class Meeting during Advisory (all juniors come to the Auditorium and counselors present on preparing for senior year)

Week of March 7th: 

Rising Senior Information will be posted and advertised and accessible on the Student Services website

March 14th - April 8th: 

Junior Meetings (counselors available for appointments)

The Month of April: 

9th and 10th Meetings (counselors available for appointments)


GLHS Theatre presents The Yellow Boat

Tickets are on sale for The Yellow Boat presented by the Repertoire Theatre class. The performance will be held this week on Friday & Saturday, March 4th & 5th, at 7 pm. Tickets are on sale HERE!


Signs of Suicide 

Student Services will be providing the Signs of Suicide curriculum for seniors in the Civic Literacy class the week of March 7th.  A letter will be provided to students in class if you wish for your child to opt-out of this program and needs to be returned by Friday, March 4th. The program has proven to be successful at increasing help-seeking by students concerned about themselves or a friend and is the only school-based suicide prevention program listed by SAMHSA for its National Registry of Evidence-Based Programs and Practices that addresses suicide risk and depression while reducing suicide attempts. If you have questions or concerns about this program, please contact our SAP Counselor, Rob McAuliffe at



In our continuing efforts to support the well-being of our students, each second-period teacher will complete a universal screener of social, emotional & behavioral health on each student in their second-period class.  


On Monday, March 7th, your son/daughter will receive a letter from Ms. Summers about the Behavior Intervention Monitoring Assessment System-2 (BIMAS-2) research-based screening tool in their second period. This will not require you or your child to do anything unless you want to opt-out of this screener.  Since we are learning about this tool, results will not be shared with families this year. If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Roberts, Dean of Students, at


GLHS Arts Market

Save the Date for the GLHS Art Market on Friday, March 25 at 6 pm. There will be beautiful art for sale and performances by our fine arts programs. If you would like to donate a piece of art for sale at the market, please complete the following form HERE!


NHS Application Window

The 2022 NHS application window is open through April 15. Sophomores and Juniors who are interested in NHS should attend a Connectivity information session if they have not already done so. More information can be found on the Green Level NHS website, which is linked to our school website. Please email or see Ms. Singh if you have any questions.


State Wide Tornado Drill

On March 9, all schools will participate in a statewide tornado drill. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, students should NOT be moved into the hallways as in past tornado drills. Instead, the administration will come on the intercom and verbally explain to students what to do in the event of a tornado.


Mark Your Calendar

Please mark your calendar for these upcoming dates:

  • Monday, February 28:  School Improvement Meeting at 2:30 pm in Media Center
  • Monday, February 28:  BAC Meeting at Holly Springs High at 6:30 pm
  • Tuesday, March 1:  ACT for Juniors
  • Tuesday, March 1:  Modified Bell Schedule due to the ACT
  • Tuesday, March 1:  Parent Round Table Meeting at 1:00 pm and 6:30 pm
  • Wednesday, March 2: Senior Activities Meeting at 6:00 pm
  • Wednesday, March 9:  PTSA Meeting at 6:30 pm
  • Monday, March 14:  Senior Meeting during Advisory in the Auditorium
  • Monday, March 14:  School Improvement Meeting at 2:30 pm in Media Center
  • Friday, March 18:  Teacher Workday
  • Friday, March 25:  End of Quarter 3
  • Monday, March 28:  Teacher Workday