• Our Mission

    Garner Magnet High School counselors provide a comprehensive counseling program that prepares and inspires all students to achieve high standards in a competitive and constantly changing world. The school counselors advocate for each student to ensure equity and access. We identify and address barriers that impede student learning. Counselors empower students to grow into life-long learners and critical thinkers fully prepared to pursue opportunities in the 21st century.

    Our Vision

    Every Garner Magnet High School student graduates and pursues postsecondary options, including enrollment, enlistment, entrepreneurship and/or employment.  Students are empowered to take advantage of academic rigor and courses aligned with their individual college and career goals. Our students demonstrate skills necessary to become lifelong learners and productive members of a global, multicultural society. They are reflective, informed, and compassionate members of their diverse and complex communities and are respectful of differences.

  • t follow us @gmhsStudentSvcs

  • Dean of Students

    Ms. Ciaccio

    Students with last name: Db-Go
    •  jciaccio@wcpss.net
    •  (919) 662-2379 ext. 22270


    Mr. Bondurant

    Students with last name: Gp-Mb
    •  bbondurant@wcpss.net
    •  (919) 662-2379 ext. 22466

    Toron Brown

    Students with last name: A-Da
    •  tbrown18@wcpss.net
    •  (919) 662-2379 ext. 23584

    Dr. Nelson

    Students with last name: Mc-R
    •  snelson3@wcpss.net
    •  (919) 662-2379 ext. 23583

    Ms. Pettis

    Students with last name: S-Z
    •  mpettis@wcpss.net
    •  (919) 662-2379 ext. 23585

    Mr. Owen-Guerrero

    School Counselor In-training
    •  oguerrero@wcpss.net
    •  (919) 662-2379

    Ms. Rivera-Colon

    College Corps Counselor
    •  mnr24@duke.edu
    •  (919) 662-2379 ext. 22462

    Student Support Coordinators

    Dr. Banks

    Intervention Coordinator
    •  psbanks@wcpss.net
    •  (919) 662-2379 ext. 22282

    Ms. Creecy

    SAP Coordinator
    •  bcreecy@wcpss.net
    •  (919) 662-2379 ext. 23608