School Logistics
How does carpool work?
View our school website for information, pictures, and videos on transportation options.
How will I know what’s going on at the school?
All school-related information and events are shared on our website and social media. We add the same things on our Facebook and Instagram accounts, so the easiest thing to do is pick which platform you are most comfortable with and check weekly. We also send out a weekly Friday email with any school-wide updates, which is also added to our school website homepage under "FROM THE PRINCIPAL'S DESK: SCHOOL UPDATES".
What after-school activities do you have?
We partner with Ligon Middle School for school-sponsored sports. 7th and 8th-grade students take a bus from Moore Square for tryouts, practices, and games. You will then pick your student up at Ligon when they are finished, typically 4:30ish. View available athletics here.
We host basketball, volleyball, and soccer intramurals here at Moore Square, which are available for all students from 2:30-3:30. Each sport is one day a week. We describe this as an informal recreational league where students play against each other instead of school vs. school. The schedule can be found here.
We also have a wide variety of after-school clubs sponsored by our Moore Square staff. Don’t see a club your student is interested in? All they have to do is find a staff member to be the advisor and they can start something new!
What school calendar do you follow?
We are on the modified calendar, which we believe to be the best of both traditional
and year-round calendars. We have a shorter summer, but longer breaks throughout the
year. View our current calendar here. -
Where do your students attend High School?
Our Magnet Program Pathway gives students the highest priority when applying to Enloe Magnet High School. However, many also choose to apply to Southeast Raleigh Magnet High School, as they follow the same modified calendar we do.
General Magnet
How do I apply to a magnet school?
My child is not currently attending a WCPSS school. How do I apply?
Only students who are enrolled in a Wake County Public School System school for the 2024-2025 school year can apply. If your student does not currently attend a WCPSS school (ie. rising into kindergarten, homeschooled, or currently attending a charter or private school) they will need to enroll online and get a student ID number prior to submitting an application.
What percentage of applicants get in?
We are not told at the school level how many magnets “seats” are available each year, but it is typically around 150. During the 2022-2023 school year, we had over 350 first-choice applications. Look up your priority number here.
When do I find out if I got in?
Early College, Crossroads FLEX, Magnet, and Year-Round applicants will be notified of their results on February 23, 2024 via email. This information will also be in the parent account.
Will I get transportation to and from school?
The type of service may vary depending on your school choice and home address. Find your transportation options here.
I did not get my first choice school. What is an "applicant pool"?
Students who do not receive a seat at their first-choice magnet, early college, or year-round school, will be placed on a non-numeric waiting list, known as an applicant pool, for the school you listed as your first choice. If you applied to more than one school, you may be assigned to one of your other choices and remain in the applicant pool for your first choice magnet, early college, or year-round school. Applicant pools will be reviewed in the spring. You will be notified via your online account if you receive a seat in your first-choice school.
Academically/Intellectually Gifted
What is double math?
Newly revised information regarding 6th grade double math. Recently adopted for the 2024-2025 school year- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sWQyLNO7zxKVAFmJhNvqgaLcQ_uhK8KNSaSdeeDFjEw/edit?usp=sharing
Can my student complete SSA for math?
Yes! Also, our “typical” pathway for math is already Math 6+/7+/Math I.
What does the AIG program look like in middle school?
Identified 6th, 7th, and 8th-grade students receive differentiated curriculum and instruction in language arts and/or mathematics within the general education setting. Options may include cluster and flexible skills grouping, differentiated units, and collaborative teaching between the classroom and other educators. Services vary depending on course offerings and student performance.
Are there any required electives?
All 6th-grade students will be placed in the Keyboarding & Basic Word Processing and Digital Literacy (two quarter-long electives totaling one semester) classes. They do not need to count them in their elective selections. All 8th graders will be placed in the Health and PE class (quarter-long). While other classes are not required, we strongly encourage students to take at least one other PE class each year, as middle school students do not participate in a daily recess break.
Are there prerequisites to get into certain electives?
Yes, please read through our description guide for specifics on which classes require prerequisites. We also have several classes that require an audition or application that will be updated in the spring for the next school year!
Can my student take more than one year-long elective?
Yes, but please be aware some year-long electives conflict, and students may have to choose between competing classes.
How do I know what each class is about?
Read through our description guide for information on each class. This was created by students, for students! Thank you, Student Council!
How do I register for my student’s 2024-25 electives?
Your current elementary school counselor will be reaching out to assist you in selecting your choices using PowerSchool in March or April. If you are coming to Moore Square from a private/charter school or a school outside of WCPSS, please email a copy of your elective selections to our school counselors:
Jacinta Estes: jestes2@wcpss.net
Michael Wray: mwray@wcpss.net -
How many electives can my student take?
We have a 7-period daily schedule, with three of those classes being electives. We use this same schedule every day, there is no alternation or “A/B day” transition. If they choose all quarter-long electives, they could potentially take up to 12 in a school year.
How often do electives change?
Most change quarterly (9 weeks), leaving you with potentially 12 choices for the entire school year. We have some classes that are semester or year-long such as some of our music and other arts classes, world languages, and application courses.
What electives will you offer for the current school school year?
While some electives change year to year, here is what we’re currently offering.