Elective Offerings
To nurture all of our student's gifts and talents, we offer an expansive elective selection. Students choose 3 electives from their 7-period daily schedule. Click on the icon below to view our current choices for this school year. Please note, with a few exceptions, most elective classes may be composed of 6th, 7th, and 8th-grade students and change quarterly.Elective registration takes place around mid-March for the next school year. Families of incoming students* will work with their current school counselors to input their choices into PowerSchool. *If you are attending Moore Square next year from outside of WCPSS, you will submit your choices to our school counselors. All students will choose 12 primary and 5 alternate electives.Jacinta Estes: 6th Grade (A-L last names) and 8th Grade, jestes2@wcpss.net, 919-664-5737 ext.26648
Lauren Huber: 6th Grade (M-Z last names) and 7th Grade, lhuber@wcpss.net, 919-664-5737 ext.26638
It is important to note that the availability of the elective courses below are dependent upon each school’s overall schedule as well as student demand, and choosing an elective does not guarantee its availability in your student’s individual schedule.
M2 Elective FAQs
Are there requirements to get into certain electives?
Yes, please read through our description guide for specifics on which classes require prerequisites. We also have several classes that require an audition or application.
Can my student take more than one year-long elective?
Yes, but please be aware some year-long electives conflict, and students may have to choose between competing classes.
How do I know what each class is about?
Read through our description guide for information on each class. This was created by students, for students! Thank you, Student Council!
How do I register for my student’s electives?
For rising 6th graders, your current elementary school counselor will be reaching out to assist you in selecting your choices using PowerSchool, sometime in March or April. If your student is currently at Moore Square, the counselors will facilitate elective registration around that same timeframe. If you are coming to Moore Square from a private/charter school or a school outside of WCPSS, please email a copy of your elective selections to our school counselors:
Jacinta Estes: jestes2@wcpss.net
Lauren Huber: lhuber@wcpss.net
How many electives can my student take?
We have a 7-period daily schedule, with three of those classes being electives. We use this same schedule every day, there is no alternation or “A/B day” transition.
How often do electives change?
Most change quarterly (9 weeks), leaving you with potentially 12 choices for the entire school year. We have some classes that are semester or year-long, such as some of our music and other arts classes, world languages, and some application courses.
What electives are required?
All 6th-grade students will be placed in the Keyboarding & Basic Word Processing and Digital Literacy (two quarter-long electives totaling one semester) classes. They do not need to count them in their elective selections. All 8th graders will be placed in the Health and PE class (quarter-long).
While other classes are not required, we strongly encourage students to take at least one PE class each year, as middle school students do not participate in a daily recess break.
What electives are you offering for the 2024-2025 school year?
While these electives are subject to change based on registration numbers, student demand, and other factors, here is the list of 24-25 Elective Offerings.