School Improvement
The purpose of school improvement is to improve achievement and outcomes for every student by working to eliminate the ability to predict achievement based on socioeconomic status, race, and ethnicity.
We do this by collaboratively and continuously analyzing data and making decisions considering the unique needs of the learning community and the district's strategic plan.
View progress reports for each school.
School Improvement Team Membership
Leslie Taylor (Principal)
Kelsey Fitzpatrick (Assistant Principal)
Tracy Purvis (Assistant Principal)
Shane Arce (Assistant Principal)Alexis Best (AP Intern)
Rachel Sweeney (Instructional Facilitator, SIP Co-Chair)
Crystal Blum (Magnet Coordinator)
Nicole Duncan (Encore Teacher)
Krystal Fish (Career Development Counselor)
Tina Rhyne (6th Grade Teacher)Tricia Quinn (6th Grade Teacher)
Kristin Mares (7th Grade Teacher)
Jayni Buechler (8th Grade Teacher)
Jacinta Estes (SISP)Lauren Huber (SISP)
Caryn Ventrano-Credle (Intervention Teacher)
Robin Oke (SPED)
Maddie Siegel (SPED)Christine Kraft (Parent Rep)Amber Harrington (Instructional Assistant)Sarah Skinner (Media Coordinator)Dexter Mitchell (SIP Co-Chair)Michael Stiefel (Senior Administrator to Central Area Superintendent)The School Improvement Team was approved on July 24th, 2024 and plan revisions were approved on August 23, 2024.
School Improvement Meetings
Wednesdays, 2:30-3:30 - Moore Sq MS Media Center
7/16/248/7/249/4/2410/14/24-- Quarterly Review (workday)11/6/241/6/24-- Quarterly Review (workday)2/5/243/10/24-- Quarterly Review (workday)4/23/245/27/24-- Quarterly/EOY Review (workday)If you are interested in attending a School Improvement Team meeting, please contact Rachel Sweeney, the Instructional Facilitator, at
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