Class of 2025 Information
Mid-Year Graduation
January 30, 2025
GHHS Auditorium
Senior Fee
Click here to pay the senior fee of $55.00.
This fee covers the cost of the Graduation Stole, Diploma ,Diploma Cover, Senior Social (Breakfast), Senior Magazine, Senior Awards and Graduation Programs. * This fee does NOT include Cap, Gown and Tassel.
On-Campus Parking and Off-Campus Lunch
Click here for more information
2024 -25 Club Information
Senior Transcripts
Financial Aid Services
Financial Aid Advising services resume the week of September 11, 2023. You may schedule an appointment with Mrs. Linda Brannan, our Financial Aid Advisor, in the following ways:- To schedule a Google Meet/virtual appointment at convenient times during lunch or after school/evening hours, use the link or QR Code provided to select an available appointment slot:
You may use your cell phone & scan the QR Code to schedule an appointment also. - To schedule an in-person appointment - Email Mrs. Brannan at or notify your School Counselor who will contact her with your appointment needs. Note: In-person appointments will be during the students' lunchtime at school to avoid missed time from class. In-person appointments will be held on an as-needed basis.
- FYI....FAFSA application is changing this year - the FAFSA application will open on 12/1/2023 this year due to these changes. These changes apply to all students entering college in 2024. For additional information, feel free to email Mrs. Brannan at
Senior Exam Exemption
Students in Grade 12 may be exempt from exams based on the following criteria:
Students must have a projected final grade of B or higher
Students must have 10 or fewer absences in the course.
Students cannot be exempt from state testing including field testing.
The principal (consistent with GS 115C-288) has final authority to determine a student's exemption status.
National Honor Society Peer Tutoring
The National Honor Society is offering free peer tutoring for students. Students interested in being tutored can sign up here.
- To schedule a Google Meet/virtual appointment at convenient times during lunch or after school/evening hours, use the link or QR Code provided to select an available appointment slot: